ANNUAL REPORT 2015-2016.

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2 PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED 1.CYDW/IDAY INTERNATIONAL 2. A-SRH/KinderNotHilfe (KNH) 3.ADPM 4. Public policy information monitoring and advocacy II 5.Citizen participation in the monitoring of the implementation of ratified treaties, conventions and AU standards in Rwanda 6. Strengthen CSOS capacity in promoting sustainable agriculture policies and citizen participatory budgeting in Rwanda

3 Cont… 7. Improving Efficiency and Accountability of Service delivery in Rwanda 8.Strengthening Civil Society Organizations for Responsive and Accountable Governance in Rwanda 9.Engaging CSOs and children/youth into advocacy in child protection and participation in Rwanda

Official launching of the report of the baseline survey Organization of the press conference on Domestic work in Rwanda Radio and TV talks on Voice of Africa, Voice of America, Radio Huguka, Flash FM&Flash TV, Royal TV, Goodrich TV, City Radio, Radio Salus MoU between CLADHO and IJAMBO RY’UMWANA MEDIA GROUP to advertise and broadcast CLADHO’ NEWS on Elaboration of the concept note and introduction of the request to MIFOTRA for ratifying ILO Convention 189 related to decent work for domestic workers Organization of multistakeholders meeting on domestic workers under the topic ''Contribute to make Rwanda a land of opportunities for children where every child must be at school not in domestic work ‘’

5 Cont… Project Achievements CYDW/IDAY INTERNATIONAL
Production and distribution of booklets: 1500 booklets have been prepared and distributed to different actors to inform them the real situation of domestic work on Rwanda Production and distribution of visibility materials Different meetings with competent Authorities on the issue of Legalization of domestic work Attending the regional seminal on domestic work which was held in Kampala-Uganda

6 Cont….. Project Achievements A-SRH /KNH
Contact meeting with the representatives of NCC, REB,MIGEPROFE Identification of 10 Districts of intervention Introduction of the project to Competent Authorities at National and District Levels Elaboration of the rapid assessment tools and training of enumerators Conducting the rapid assessment on the current situation of unwanted pregnancy for under 18 in the project intervention area Success stories 2 perpetrators for unwanted pregnancy have been imprisoned through CLADHO Operation in collaboration with National Police

7 Cont… Project Achievements ADPM
Training on functional literacy :116 trainees have been trained in Kicukiro and Gatenga Art and Culinary Professional Training: 48 trainees completed and 96 still on the training Provision of support in formal education

8 Cont… Project Achievements PPIM A
Meeting with Parliament to discuss on 2015/16 Budget RADIO TALK SHOWS:Two call-in radio programs per PPIMA district were conducted at the MUSANZE, ISHINGIRO and RC HUYE Radios for GAKENKE, NGORORERO, GATSIBO and NYARUGURU CLADHO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MINECOFIN in August 2015 and basing on that CLADHO distributed the citizen guide to the Budget 2015/16 In March 2016, CLADHO conducted pre-budget hearing sessions in Gatsibo, Gakenke,Nyaruguru and Ngororo Districts We also conducted a Pre-Budget hearing session at National level which brought together members of the CSOs,Development Partners and Government.

9 Project Achievements ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE/ RGB PROJECT Contact meeting with Local Leaders in the districts of Gicumbi, Bugesera, Nyamasheke and Nyanza and they have been mobilised and sensitized on allowing the citizens a space to participate in the formulation of policies in general and the planning and budgeting processes in particular Organization and conducting the trainings for District and Sector Councils in Bugesera, Nyamasheke and Gicumbi on national budgeting, planning process and the role of citizen participation In Bugesera, CLADHO trained Sector executive Secretaries and opinion leaders from the CSOs, Religious leaders, people from business and others from women, people with disabilities and youth representatives Training of the members of CSOs at National level on National Planning and Budgeting processes

10 Project Achievements ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE/ RGB PROJECT Training of the Staff of CLADHO on resources’ mobilisation, human rights based approach and National Planning and Budgeting processes Conducting a Budget Framework Paper Analysis and Draft Finance Law 2016/17

11 Cont… Project Achievements CLADHO-PLAN RWANDA PROJECT
Organization of the training on child help line Organization of the general assembly of UMWANA KU ISONGA COALITION Organization of the workshop to make Action plans for implementation and monitoring of the recommendations of ACERWC(18-19/2/2016) and the CESCR and UPR recommendations (23-24/3/2016) Workshop on Advocacy Strategy for the Coalition UMWANA KU ISONGA for The workshop training of local leaders, cooperative leaders parents/teachers, REACH-T’s volunteers, parents and children on advocacy and fighting child labor in tea plantation areas of Nyaruguru District

12 Cont… Project Achievements SOTU PROJECT
We organized a consultation meeting that involves the CSOs, RGB and the office of the President in charge of the NEPAD and APRM to highlight the role of the Government and the civil society in the APRM and NEPAD process in Rwanda Dissemination of information on the new partnership for Africa development program and the African peer review mechanisms to communities and civil society organizations Organization of the high level dialogue on the importance of the African Union instruments reporting, monitoring of AU instruments implementation at member state level Organization of a training of 50 members of the (MAJ) access to justice houses on how to refer on African union instruments when assisting citizens in legal affairs Conducting Radio and TV programs Launching of the compliance report 2015

13 Financial implication
Project Budget in Rwf Expenditures Balance ADPM 68,295,658 63,630,309 4,665,349 PLAN RWANDA 99,570,191 91,362,971 8,207,220 CDW/IDAY International 86,310,210 85,026,421 1,283,789 KNH 12,640,500 12,576,206 64,294 Norwegian People Aid 70,294,025 70,264,255 29,770 OXFAM 194,695,967 194,691,832 4,135  SCAB/ACTION AID 20,814,505 20,434,117 380,388 EASDR 20,607,000 19,989,938 690,062 RGB 18,420,000 18,401,304 18,696


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