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Autumn Term PSHE Mathematics English COMPUTING Science Year 2

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1 Autumn Term 1 2017 PSHE Mathematics English COMPUTING Science Year 2
The children will begin the Autumn term looking at poetry. We are using our knowledge of adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs to structure our poems ready to create a Season poem. We will also be looking at Jack and baked bean stalk to inspire some story writing. COMPUTING  The children will begin by recapping on their Knowledge of number and place value. They will then move on to addition and subtraction strategies using a range of apparatus. We will be working on our reasoning and problem solving skills. In computing we will be looking at how to stay safe on the Internet. The children will learn what e-safety is and will develop a deeper understanding of correct internet behaviour. Science RE Our learning challenge this half term is ‘Why can’t a monkey live in the North Pole?’ to answer this question the children will be learning about the basic needs of living organisms and how living things live in habitats that meet these basic needs. They will also be looking at the difference between living, non-living, dead and something that was never alive. Year 2 The children will be looking at the Bible as a special book. They will be looking at the New Testament vs the Old Testament stories and thinking about how they can help the Bible’s society ‘pass it on’ campaign. Autumn Term Music PSHE The children will be starting their work with our new music teacher from the Wigan Music Service Mr Glover. They will begin their work with singing in different pitches. The children will be looking at ‘Health and wellbeing’. They will look at what a healthy lifestyle is, how we grow and change and how to stay safe. What if we didn’t have seasons? Art & Design In Art and design we will be studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He creates art work using patterns and natural materials. This will inspire Year 2 to create our own art work inside and outside the classroom P.E This half term the children will work on ‘Foundation skills’. They will work as a team to develop their skills in travelling, rolling and catching balls. Mrs Johnson is leading a dance unit. Website

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