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SOURCE CRITICISM Source criticism studies the specific problem of whether there are written documents behind our present biblical text.

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Presentation on theme: "SOURCE CRITICISM Source criticism studies the specific problem of whether there are written documents behind our present biblical text."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOURCE CRITICISM Source criticism studies the specific problem of whether there are written documents behind our present biblical text.

2 Problems that gave rise to Source Criticism
Repetitions and inconsistencies (Jean Astruc). Differences in styles of writing that appeared side by side in a single book, e.g. Sinai and Horeb. Repetition of the whole events in different chapters, e.g. Double tradition of Sarah in the Horem, p.62. In 1872 J. Wellhausen identified four written sources.

YAHWIST –J: Kingdom of Judah (950 BCE) DEUTERONOMIST – D: Jerusalem (600 BCE) PRIESTLY – P: Babylon (500 BCE) ELOHIST – E: Kingdom of Israel (850 BCE)

4 YAHWIST (J) SOURCE The J source is the heart of the Pentateuch.
All other sources built upon the Yahwist basic plot. The plot has 7 steps: 1. Stories of human origin. 2. The promise of the Patriarchs.

5 Origins 10th BC (Judah) Time of David and Solomon because of its optimism. 1. Israel shall be a great nation Gen 12 2. Pride in Judah (A King shall rise from Gen 49) 3. Promise of power over Edom and Moab (Gen 27:39-40)

6 3. The oppression in Egypt.
4. The exodus experience. 5. Wilderness experience. 6. The covenant at Mt Sinai. 7. On the edge of the Promised Land.

God is Yahweh. He walks and talks with us. Stress on blessing. Narrative and stories. Uses “Sinai”. Calls natives “Canaanites”.

8 J wrote continuous story not individual events.
Genesis to Numbers. J wrote continuous story not individual events. J collected old poems, stories and songs. J had a bias toward Judah. J did not write stories or legends as he received them. He reshaped them, creating his own style. Gen 1-11 was not part of the older tradition. J did not write stories or legends.

9 J puts speeches into mouths of famous people.
These speeches overshadow what was to happen, e.g. Gen 15:13-15 (Israel’s coming history right up to David). J puts long speeches into the mouths of God. E.g. Yahweh had a conversation with Adam Had a monologue in Gen 6 (destruction of the world) He discusses the destruction of Sodom with Abraham. Gen 18,and with Moses Ex 33.

10 J likes the theme of conflict between brothers, E. g
J likes the theme of conflict between brothers, E.g. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his eleven brothers, the young brothers always win, Solomon, David/8. Another theme centers barrenness, e.g. Sarah, Rebecca (Isaac’s wife), Rachel (Jacob’s wife). They got special blessings.

11 J has a fine sense of storytelling.
“The Yahwist created more that a story of Israel’s past; he created a theology and a purpose that explained the religious faith and special spirit of the nation”. The stories happen around Hebron. J is the most creative literally artist Interested in etiologies, explaining origins of certain names or cultic practices.

12 Some stories seem very primitive, e. g
Some stories seem very primitive, e.g. angel marriages (Gen 6:1-4), Tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-19). Is aware of the problems of evil and explains it. Yahweh is transcendent but close to people He demands faith. J regards Yahweh as a national hero. Aim is to unify the people.

13 Deuteronomist (D) ORIGINS Code formed before 721 BC.
It was promulgated during the reign of Josiah ( BC) It was enlarged at the beginning of the exile ( BC).

14 CHARACTERISTICS God is Yahweh. Moralistic approach.
Fidelity to Jerusalem. Loves military imagery. Many fixed phrases. Revival of mosaic teaching.

15 God is the Lord of their God.
Canaan is described “a land flowing with milk and honey”. The influence of Hosea. Love is a key word of Dt, e.g. (Dt 7:8, 10:15, 26:6, 30:6-20) Jeremiah 31. Full of warlike images (See Dt 20:1-20, 21:10- 14, 23:10-15).

16 NORTHERN CONNECTIONS  Similar to the language of Hosea (Love of God and covenant). Use of Horeb for Mt Sinai just like the E source. Struggle against worshippers of Baal. Favored prophets. Negative view of the moral goodness of Kings Dt 17.

17 High regard for Moses as a charismatic leader.
Use of the Northern Mts of Gerizim and Ebal for the covenant renewal (Dt 27). Similar to the covenant renewal at Shechem, a northern city (Josh 23-24). No mention of Davidic house as special. The summons to “all Israel” is Northern style.

18 SOUTHERN CONNECTIONS Importance of Jerusalem.
Use of the Ark of the Covenant which was in the temple. The teaching style was done by Southerners. Uses the word “elect” for Israel, a word used only for David’s election as a King (2 Sam 7). There is a link between Dt and the Law book found in the temple.

19 RECONSTRUCTION The laws were made in the North (Dt 12-26, 5- 11).
After the fall of Israel to Assyria, Levites fled to the South bringing their program. Must have been written during Hezekiah, was hidden away, and then implemented under Josiah, who followed its program fully.

20 ELOHISTIC: ORIGINS Later than 9th century BC
Northern origins (Israel). It speaks of the patriarchal activities in Bethel and Shechem In the story, Joseph, Reuben, and Ephraim feature large.

21 STRUCTURE It begins with the call of Abraham. No primeval history.
No universal scope of J. No theological depth. There was too much competition from J and E who wrote the same material. Preference was give to J.

22 He has moral sensibility.
His sense of sin is more refined, e.g. He avoids stating that Abraham had lied to Abimelech by stating that Sarah was Abraham’s half-sister (Gn 20:12). Jacob’s flock increased not by trickery on his part but God did not want Laban to harm him. (Gen 31:3-13, 36-42). The law is more moral than cultic.

23 Duties of the beings are made more explicit in the covenant code, (Gen 20:22, 23:19).
God is distanced from men. God does not walk among men (G 3:8) 181ff “Let not God speak to us, last we die,” (Ex 20:19) Emphasizes dreams, e.g. stories of Joseph.

24 It elevates Moses, (Nm 11:10-30, Hos 12:13, Gen 20:7).
E has influenced the development of prophecy in Israel. God is Elohim. Fear of the Lord is stressed. Emphasizes the prophetic narratives.

25 Uses Horeb instead of Sinai.
Natives are Amorites. 2nd major source. Less attention to Abraham than Jacob. It just added to J material and it is difficult to differentiate the two.

Were Priests of the temple. Was composed during the exile or shortly after. Some schools argue that P was not a source but a result of the redactional activities. He reminds people what it meant to be Jewish in the absence of the temple and Jerusalem. Gen 17: Circumcision becomes crucial. More ritual of cleanliness were demanded were demanded.

27 God is Elohim. The cultic is important, Lev 1-27, Nm 1-10, Emphasizes the importance of the high priests Ex 4:28 The center/heart of the Israelite faith was the time in the desert when the law was given. Use of genealogies. He added Gen 5, and 11 to link Adam to Noah and Noah to Abraham.

28 He added Ishmael’s family (Gen 25), Esau’s family (Gen 36), and Jacob’s family (Gen 46). 
Place names. Lists places inhabited by Israel during the exodus. (6 places to Mt Sinai and onother six to the Promised Land (Ex 12:37, 13:20, 14:1, 15:22, 16:1, 17:1, 19:2).

29 Laws for future generations
Sabbath observance Gen 2:3. No eating blood- Gen 17:9-11. And all other regulations.  Divine presence in Israel’s midst. Building of the tent and Ark Ex Plan of the temple of Solomon 1 Kgs 6-7. Role of sacrifices and feasts. Appointment of priests and Levites.

God spoke and it came to be: E.g. creation – Gen 1. The flood – Gen 6:13-21. Covenant with Abraham – Gen 17. Promise of land – Ex 25. Instruction for a permanent resting place for Yahweh, Ex 25

Moses. Adam, was promised fertility and domination. Noah – Fertility and domination. Abraham – promise of land.

32 OBLIGATION Eat only plants, rest for land. Sacrifice, no bloody
Circumcision. Keep the law.

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