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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 Review Genesis 6-8 “every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” – Genesis 6:5 God would destroy man & air breathing land animals with a flood - Genesis 6:7 Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord - Genesis 6:8


4 Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe

5 The Flood Begins Genesis 7:10-16
Noah’s 600th year on 2nd month, 17th day Water source: The Fountains of the deep & Floodgates of the sky Rain falls for forty days.

6 The Extent of the Flood Genesis 7:17-24
Every Mtn. covered 15 cubits (22+ ft) Waters prevailed for 150 days All air breathing land animals died – only those in ark survived

7 A World-Wide Flood The ark was vital

8 Departing the Ark Genesis 8:1-27
The Flood Stops (vs 1,2) days The Water’s Recede (vs. 3-5) Mtn tops become visible days

9 The Flood Noah Exits the Ark 8:13-19

10 After Departure Genesis 8:21-22
Noah offered burnt offerings (vs 20)

11 Living in a Different World Genesis 9:1-19
A New Food Source – vs. 1-3 Animals became afraid of man Man could include animals in his diet Vegetarianism is NOT morally superior nor more healthy Plants would not be as nutritious in the post flood world.

12 Living in a Different World Genesis 9:1-19
1 Timothy 4:1-4 The blood was not to be eaten (vs. 4) (See Leviticus 16)

13 Living in a Different World Genesis 9:1-19
Capital punishment established for murder – vs. 5-6 Because man is made in God’s image.

14 Living in a Different World Genesis 9:1-19
Command to reproduce and fill the earth is repeated – vs. 7

15 The Noahic Covenant God would not destroy man or animals with a world-wide flood again. The rainbow is the sign of His promise Genesis 9:8-17

16 The earth’s population is descended from Noah & his three sons.
Genesis 9:18-19 The earth’s population is descended from Noah & his three sons.

17 The Curse on Canaan Genesis 9:20-27
Noah gets drunk – vs A reduced post-flood atmospheric pressure would have increased fermentation Ham saw Noah’s nakedness Shem & Japheth covered him up

18 The Curse on Canaan Genesis 9:20-27
Ham is the middle son Canaan is the youngest grandson Canaan is cursed to be a servant while Shem is blessed & Japheth is enlarged

19 Noah’s Death Genesis 9:28-29
Noah lives 350 years after the flood for a total of 950 years. Genesis 10 is a genealogy of Noah’s sons

20 The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9
Man’s Continue Rebellion – vs. 1-4 They refused to “fill the earth” & were staying together to build a city instead They would build a tower to “reach” (be the gate to) heaven In pride they turned against God.

21 The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9
A Ziggurat – associated with astrology and the worship of the sun, moon & stars Nimrod – Genesis 10:8-12

22 The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9
The Confusion of Languages – vs. 5-9 This occurs only years after the flood God disrupted man’s ability to communicate with one another God keeps man from doing what would be too harmful

23 The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9
A miracle of speech and mind – languages reflect different ways of thinking Languages do not evolve, they degrade

24 The Descendents of Japheth Genesis 10:2-5
Gomer Galatia, France, Spain, Wales, Armenia Magog Scythians - Romania & Ukraine Madai Medes, Persians, India Ashkenaz (Mysia & Phyrgia) Riphath (Riphaean Mts.?) Togarmah (Galatia)

25 The Descendents of Japheth Genesis 10:2-5
Javan (Greeks) Tubal Russia Georgia Meshech Moscow Tiras Thrace, Macedonia Serbia Elishah - (Aeolians) Tarshish - (Tartessus) Kittim - (Cyprus) Dodanim - (Trojans)

26 Descendants of Japheth =
Meshech Gomer Tarshish Magog Riphath Tubal Tiras Javan Ashkenaz Togarmah Kittim Madai

27 The Descendents of Ham Genesis 10:6-20
Cush (Ethiopia) Mizraim (Egypt) Put (Libya) Canaan (Palestine) Seba Havilah - (Arabia) Sabtah Raamah Sheba & Dedan Sabteca Nimrod (His cities) Babel, Erech Accad , Calneh Ninevah, Calah Ludim Anamim Lehabim Naphtuhim Pathrusim Casluhim (Philistines) Caphtorim. Sidon Heth (Descendants) Jebusite, Amorite Girgashite, Hivite, Arkite, Arvadite, Sinite, Zemarite Hamathite

28 Descendants of Ham = Ham Put Canaan Cush Mizraim Cush Raamah Sheba
Dedan Cush

29 Descendants of Canaan - vs. 15-20
Arvadites º Sinites Amorites º Sidonians C A N A A N Girgashites Zemarites Jebusites

30 The Descendents of Shem Genesis 10:21-31
Ancestor of Jesus in Red Persia, Iran Assyria Lydia Syria

31 The Descendents of Shem Genesis 10:21-31
Lud Eber Ashur Aram Elam Diklah Ophir Havilah Abimael Arpachshad Shalaph Sheba Havilah Hazarmaveth Obal

32 The Table of Nations – Map

33 Genealogy: Noah to Abram

34 Noah to Abram Noah (950) Shem (600) Arpachshad (438) Shelah (433)
(Age at death) Shem (600) Arpachshad (438) Shelah (433) Eber (464) Peleg (239) Reu (239) Serug (230) Nahor (148) Terah (205) Abram (175) The Flood


36 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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