Welcome to Dobcroft Junior School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Dobcroft Junior School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Dobcroft Junior School

2 Who is Who? Mrs Sexton Mrs O’Shea Mrs Shaw
Mr White Miss Wilson Mrs Collis Mrs Conroy

3 Our PPA teachers Mrs Scammell French Mrs Wagott Music Ms Powell- PE

4 Mrs Drabble School administrator Mrs Courtney 1st aid Mrs Rembges Pastoral support Mrs Exell – 1st aid

5 Our Governors Geoff Mellor Chair of governors Richard Copeland Vice chair of governors

6 Communication Emails Letters Text messages Newsletters School office
Class teacher Team leader Mrs O’Shea & Mrs Sexton

7 Organisation 3 classes Team leaders- Miss Wilson & Mrs Collis
Children are taught by their class teacher for all lessons except PPA time and occasional enrichment days/experience Most children come from the infant school We are excited to welcome some other children from the catchment to our school as well

8 What will you learn!! Maths English (reading, spelling, writing)
Exciting topic led curriculum RE PE Music French PSHE

9 Some of the exciting experiences in year 3 include:
Residential visit to Castleton Stone age day World book day Wellbeing week STEM week Canon Hall Farm

10 Beyond the Classroom Lunchtime sports & other clubs Sports leaders
After school clubs Saturday X country Pupil’s Parliament library

11 A Typical Day 840- playground time, going into class 855- bell
register & morning work lesson 1 assembly playtime lesson 2 lunchtime

12 Afternoons 1310-1430 (ish)- outdoor break 1530- school finishes
PPA- 40 minutes of PE, French & Music

13 Before you start in September
Transition day Spent time with your new teacher at DIS Prospectus and contact forms SEND information afternoon SEND reviews

14 What Do You Need!! School uniform (Labelled)

15 PE kit labelled (black shorts/leggings, white Tshirt, pumps or trainers, no jewellry)

16 Pencil case & stationery (not too big!)
Water bottle labelled Book bag or back pack

17 Day 1 Tuesday 5th September From 8.40 a.m. please
bring children into school with all their belongings 8.55 bell time Tell your child where you will meet them at 3.30 p.m. when we finish the school day.- DASH, playground

18 DAY 2 The same as day 1 but your child may want to play on the front yard 855- bell- children either settle in class or come in off the playground

19 A Big Welcome to Our School
Information in September Please feel free to complete the slip to request more information about learning Ask teachers during the tour

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