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Treaty of Versailles By Tristan.

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1 Treaty of Versailles By Tristan

2 Who were the countries involved?
The countries involved were Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, The Hejaz, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Siam, United Kingdom, United States, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire were not allowed to attend the peace conference until all the details of the peace treaties had been agreed on. Russia was not invited to attend because of already concluding a peace treaty with the central powers (Germany, Austria Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire).

3 What were the countries primary interests?
The three main countries were America, France and Great Britain. America wanted the world to be safe and to end war by making a fair peace. Woodrow Wilson, the president of America, wanted disarmament and a league of nations. He promised self determination for the peoples of Eastern Europe. France’s prime minister Georges Clemenceau, wanted revenge and to punish the Germans. He wanted to make Germany pay for the damage done during the war and also wanted to weaken Germany so France would never be invaded again. Great Britains prime minister David Lloyd George, wanted justice but did not want revenge. He said that “the peace must not be harsh” and that that would just cause another war. He was also trying to expand the British Empire, maintain British Control of the seas and increase Britain’s trade.

4 When was it organized or set up?
The Treaty of Versailles were signed after WW1 on June 28, 1919 exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

5 Where was its influence felt the most?
I think that the treaty influenced Germany the most. Germany was considered the major villain in WW1 and got the bulk of the punishment. They had to pay thousands of dollars in property damage, lower their military and armament, and give up some of their land to other countries. This majorly affected the German people who felt they had done nothing wrong. They lost thousands of homes and taxes were raised to try and pay the debt on Germany.

6 Why was it created. Why did it no longer exist
Why was it created? Why did it no longer exist? Why did some countries join and others didn't? The Treaty of Versailles was created to force Germany to concede territories to several of the neutral and defending countries not allied with Germany or Austria Hungary. It was also created to force Germany, Austria Hungary, turkey and Bulgaria to pay reparation for the damages done to the innocent and allied countries. Germany got the bulk of the punishment because they were considered to be the cause of the war. The Treaty of Versailles doesn't exist anymore because of WW2. Germany saw that the punishment was two extreme and was lead into another WW by Adolf Hitler in order to get respect, land, resources back. Only some countries joined because only some were invited. Germany was not allowed to participate until the decision by the allied countries was made final, as well as germany's allies. Russia also was not invited because of their civil war going on.

7 How did other countries respond
How did other countries respond? How effective was it in pursuing its interests? Countries such as france and britain were generally satisfied with the treaty because of how it protected them from germany USA thought that the reparations set on germany were a harsh they thought that france britain were making themselves rich at germany's expense. In the end ultimately the treaty of versailles did not work when Adolf Hitler came into power and completely ignored the treaty and expanded his army starting world war 2

8 Sources
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9 Primary Source ust pdf This primary source is a piece of the treaty of versailles, showing that Germany had signed the peace treaty and the protocol that took place. It tells of where the peace treaty went and were it was signed as well as inspected.

10 Rwanda Genocide By Steven

11 Who was involved The people involved in this genocide were different ethnic groups, Mainly: Hutus made 85% of the population Tutsi made 14% of the population

12 What caused the rwandan genocide
The Genocide was sparked by the death of their president, Juvenal Habyarimana,(who was hutu) he died when his plane was shot down on April Most people believe that a tutsi rebel group led by the new president Paul kagame is to blame for the rocket attack This created extreme tension between hutus and tutsis

13 When and where The Rwandan genocide took place in Rwanda
The Rwandan genocide took place for 8 months from April to July 1994

14 Why Throughout Rwanda's history there has been tension between Hutus and Tutsis The two ethnic groups are actually very similar but the Tutsis are taller and thinner because of their origin from Ethiopia The genocide was triggered when their president was killed, Hutus blamed Tutsis for the death Since the Tutsis were clearly outnumbered by the Hutus the genocide was not in their favour.

15 How could have this been prevented
This could have been prevented if outside counties such as france or the united states intervened Members of the UN were given warning of the genocide but failed to act effectively If the UN had reacted quicker with peacekeeping missions the devastation of the genocide could have at least benn limited

16 Primary source the-un-suggests-latin-nations-meet.html Earlier in the Assembly session today, the focus was on Africa. The Foreign Minister of Rwanda, Francois Ngarukiyintwali, spoke of an ''economic crisis'' that he said represented ''tragedy'' for developing countries. He said Rwanda, which he described as ''a least developed'' nation ''with almost no natural resources,'' had to depend on foreign partners for almost 60 percent of the financing for its five- year plans.

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