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What caused WWI? How did the US get involved?

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Presentation on theme: "What caused WWI? How did the US get involved?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What caused WWI? How did the US get involved?

2 You are (MANIAC)s if you don’t know
Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assassination Competition

3 What was the US doing while Europe was getting involved in WWI?
Wilson- Anglophile – only PH.D President- covertly supported British Isolation- official policy National Defense Act – increased # of soldiers

4 How did the US finally find itself involved in the war?
Protecting Shipping Lusitania Uboats May 1915 NOPE- didn’t cause it- but Did lead US to become more Engaged. February 1917 YUP-big factor! Germans declare unrestricted warfare on all shipping


6 Publically announced March 1, 1917
Zimme rman Te l eg r am Publically announced March 1, 1917




10 American Red Cross- Private aid organization

11 May Sinking of the Lusitania. War talk begins in the United States. 1916 June National Defense Act expands the Army 1917 February Germany renews unrestricted submarine warfare. U.S.S. Housatonic sunk. U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Germany April U.S. declares war. Selective Service Act First Liberty Loan July War Industries Board August Lever Food and Fuel Control Act October War Revenue Act November Second Liberty Loan December Railroads are nationalized. 1918 January Maximum prices for steel March Bernard Baruch heads the War Industries Board Germans begin massive offensive on the western front Third Liberty Loan First independent action by the American Expeditionary Force Battle of Belleau Wood – the first sizable U.S. action Second Battle of the Marne – German offensive stopped September 900,000 Americans in the Battle of Meuse-Argonne Fourth Liberty Loan Armistice

12 US moves towards war Selective Service Act Jim Crow joins the army…

13 What was the fighting actually like?
Doughboys Trenches Machine guns Tanks Mustard gas

14 War ends November 11th, at 11AM in 1918
8.5 Million dead, 21 million wounded Civilian cost as well… Monetary cost as well… A little over 50,000 American deaths Treaty of Versailles

15 Woodrow Wilson and post war atmosphere – Treaty of Versailles
14 points: Ending secret treaties Agreeing to freedom of the seas Removing economic barriers to trade Reducing the size of national armies and navies Adjusting colonial claims with fairness towards colonial peoples Redrawing national borders – giving of self-determination Creation of League of Nations

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