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A. Method of checking patency of palmar arch, the modified Allen Test

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1 A. Method of checking patency of palmar arch, the modified Allen Test
A. Method of checking patency of palmar arch, the modified Allen Test. B. Pulse waveforms for the Barbeau’s oximetric test. Method: 1. The radial and ulnar arteries are simultaneously occluded while the patient makes a fist; 2. The hand is opened, appearing blanched; and 3. The ulnar artery is released, and the hand observed for change in color. Satisfactory palmar arch flow is present if color returns to palm in 5 to 15 seconds. A reverse Allen test can also be performed by occluding the ulnar artery. The Barbeau oximetric method involves using the pulse oximeter; the pulse wave is displayed with both arteries open. The radial artery is then compressed and the pulse wave observed. Four grades of wave forms were defined: type A, no change in pulse wave; type B, a damped but distinct pulse wave with recovery; type C, loss of phasic pulse waveform with recovery within 2 minutes; type D, loss of pulse waveform without recovery. Radial cannulation can proceed with either type A or B and not recommended for type C or D. Source: CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION, CARDIAC ANGIOGRAPHY, AND CORONARY BLOOD FLOW AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS, Hurst's The Heart, 14e Citation: Fuster V, Harrington RA, Narula J, Eapen ZJ. Hurst's The Heart, 14e; 2017 Available at: Accessed: October 01, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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