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Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection variants

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1 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection variants
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection variants. Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection variants. (A) Supracardiac. Both right (RPV) and left (LPV) pulmonary veins join a common pulmonary venous confluence behind the heart that drains via a vertical vein to the undersurface of the left innominate vein and then to the right atrium. (B) Cardiac. The pulmonary venous confluence connects to the coronary sinus (CS) and then to the right atrium via the coronary sinus ostium. (C) Infradiaphragmatic. The pulmonary venous confluence drains inferiorly via a vertical vein to the portal vein (PV) or hepatic veins (HV) and then to the right atrium. (D) Mixed connections. Left pulmonary veins drain to the left innominate vein (LIV) and right pulmonary veins to the coronary sinus in this example. SV, splenic vein; SMV, superior mesenteric vein. (Part C reproduced, with permission, from Fuster V et al. Hurst’s The Heart. 13th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011.) Source: Chapter 1. Wheezing, Symptom-Based Diagnosis in Pediatrics Citation: Shah SS, Ludwig S. Symptom-Based Diagnosis in Pediatrics; 2014 Available at: Accessed: October 04, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved

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