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Racism Wear RED Day….

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Presentation on theme: "Racism Wear RED Day…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racism Wear RED Day…

2 Everyone is different, everyone is unique…
People are born in different places in the world. People are all different, however they are the same in many ways.

3 What is racism? Racism is saying or doing something to hurt someone who comes from a different culture. Treating someone unfairly just because their skin colour is different to yours is just one kind of racism.

4 When people are racist, they judge other people by their skin colour, culture or religion without finding out what they are really like.

5 Racism can be disliking someone because they come from a different country or have a different religion.

6 Racism in the past Racism is not new. Hundreds of years ago, people from Europe sailed across the seas and took control of the lands they found. They sometimes treated the people that already lived there very badly.

7 Lord hear our prayer. Loving God,
We believe that every person is created in your image and this makes us all very special. May we always work together to create peace in our world, be tolerant of differences and making things fair so all people can live a full and beautiful life. Lord hear our prayer.

8 Wear RED Day! Friday 21st October 2016
Thank you for showing your support for getting rid of racism. Our message is simple, lets all… Together we will show racism the red card at Our Lady and St. Paul’s.

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