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Chapter 23: Coming of War Section 1: Dictators

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1 Chapter 23: Coming of War Section 1: Dictators
Mr. Perry US 2

2 Bitter Peace from WW1 The Treaty of Versailles left many nations unsatisfied at the end of WW1 Only the US, Britain and France had a real say in the Treaty…Italy felt it did not have a fair say in the Treaty, Russia and Germany were not even present In its aftermath, many nations fell in the hands of Totalitarian leaders or dictators

3 Joseph Stalin

4 The Soviet Union: Joseph Stalin
Russia went through a Communist Revolution in 1917 and VI Lenin seized power Lenin died in 1924 and he was replaced by Joseph Stalin Stalin’s philosophy differed from Lenin and he quickly moved to industrialize the Soviet Union He also repressed the people of the USSR and either killed his political enemies or had them sent to labor camps Stalin relied on propaganda and fear to gain and keep power

5 Italy: Benito Mussolini
Following WW1 Italy experienced a postwar depression and people were angered by perceived mistreatment from the Treaty of Versailles Fearing revolution, the King asked Benito Mussolini to form a government He quickly outlawed all opposing political parties, took over press, created secret police and organized youth groups


7 Adolf Hitler



10 Germany: Adolf Hitler Prior to WW1 Hitler attempted a career in art and failed Living in Austria at the outbreak of WW1, Hitler was disgusted that Austria had a multinational army and fled to Germany to fight for Germany Following Germany’s defeat Hitler returned to Germany and was hired by the new Democracy called the Weimar Republic to spy on new radical political parties…he wound up agreeing with the National Socialist Party and joined

11 Germany: Adolf Hitler Hitler staged an attempted overthrow of the government in Munich in 1923 and failed, 16 of his men were killed and he spent a year in prison where he wrote “Mein Kempf” Hitler did not hide his anti-semetic views and blamed Jews for all that was wrong in Germany In 1932, in the midst of the Great Depression he ran for President and lost…he gained nearly 40% of the vote however and his popularity was at an all-time high

12 Germany: Adolf Hitler Looking to control Hitler, President Hindenberg named him Chancellor in 1933 Hindenberg died in 1934 and Hitler combined the positions of President and Chancellor and suspended the Constitution He controlled the press and education and established a Hitler Youth to create future Nazi generations

13 Germany: Adolf Hitler While in power he established the first Concentration Camps for political prisoners, mainly communists Germany also passed laws limiting the rights of Jews Hitler’s crusade against the Jews reached new heights in Nov 1938…Kristallnacht was a violent rampage against Jewish businesses, synagogues and homes and thousands were sent to Concentration Camps

14 Japan in Pacific Japan hoped to create an empire encompassing all of Asia under Japanese control Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, by 1934 they had broken the Washington Conference agreement and angered the US Japan became increasingly militaristic during the 1930’s and attacked China in 1937 The attack on the city of Nanjing ended with 200,000 dead and the city burned and became known as the “Rape of Nanjing”

15 Dictators Turn To Aggression Page 777
In what ways did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles in the 1930’s? What action did Mussolini take in 1935? How did Hitler and Mussolini assist in the Spanish Civil War and what was the reaction of the US, France and Britain?

16 Aggression Goes Unchecked Page 777-778
Define Appeasement Why did France and Britain appease Hitler? What was Anchluss? What miscalculation did Neville Chamberlain make after the Munich Conference?


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