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Allocation of students to project groups, customers and supervisors

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1 Allocation of students to project groups, customers and supervisors
Kick-off - Customer Driven Project 2017 Allocation of students to project groups, customers and supervisors TDT4290 Kick-off 2017

2 12 project groups (maybe 14) 12 customers (or 14) 7 supervisors

3 To day at 15:30: The project groups will meet their customer and their supervisor. Some supervisors have more than one group.

4 The groups and their supervisors should set up a weekly meeting schedule for supervision meetings already today. 

5 Groups, customers and supervisors
NB! The allocation is based on students that are registered for the course. The top name of each group is the group leader.

6 Group 1: Steroid tapering and dosing application for rheumatologic patients
Customer: Department for Rheumatology at St Olavs Hospital Contact: Florentin Moser Supervisor: Sofia Papavlasopoulou Meets at room: 242, IT-bygget Agata Anna Jedryszek Sindre Aarstrand Carl J. Villanger Hambro Siemon Robert Keij Stein-Aage Nibe Klaussen Tord M. Åsnes Sevre Vestrheim Jørgen Sund

7 Group 2: Customer Service Chatbot Based on Natural Language
Customer: Stamdata Contact: Samson Svendsen Supervisor: Francesco Gianni Meets at room: 454, IT-building Renate Bech-Sørensen Edvard Viggaklev Bakken Hugo Carrasco Farzana Quayyum, Stian Rikstad Hanssen Christian Ziegenhahn Jensen Johannes Zelalem Vollan Rasmus (flyttet til gr. 14) Stene

8 Group 3: Travel Planning Application
Customer: SINTEF Digital with Statens vegvesen Contact: Shanshan Jiang and Hilde Austlid Supervisor: Peng Liu Meets at room: 454, IT-building Helene Engeness Mørk Trym Ole Nilsen Ahmed Mustafa Thomas Skarshaug Sondre Slåttedal Havellen Magnus Guttormsen Marie Ling Wiik Thor Even (Flyttet til gr. 14) Tutturen

9 Group 4: Design and Operation of Visual Collaboration Arenas and Platforms
Customer: Commitments AS Contact: Frank Lillehagen Supervisor: Sofia Papavlasopoulou Meets at room: 054, IT-building Ina-Marie Hansen Engebak Max Michael Johnsen Aasbø Simen Nordbø Abelsen Alfred Birketvedt Erik Enger Bjørgen Vegard Hellem Jan Kondula

10 Group 5: Play visualization and analysis tool for oil and gas exploration
Customer: Schlumberger Contact: Hallgrim Ludvigsen Supervisor: Lemei Zhang Meets at room: 157, IT-building Trude Jostad Martin Halvor Kostveit Matús Kosút Jostad, Trude Magnus Melseth Karlsen Johannes Andersen Elena Andres Nicolai Fredriksen

11 Group 6: A Web Service for Registration and Distribution of Competition Results for the Norwegian Weightlifting Federation Customer: Norwegian Weightlifting Fed Contact: Tryggve Duun, Supervisor: Francesco Gianni Meets at room: 260, IT-building Silje Riseng Christian Rossow Haichao Sun Nora Tomas Carl-Otto Egil Løkken Steen Jørgen Henrichsen Tor Magne Kippersund

12 Group 7: The 100 Most Powerful in Agriculture
Customer: Tun Media AS Contact: Monika Aaserud Supervisor: Jon Atle Gulla Meets at room: Drivhuset, IT-building Marianne Magnussen Kristian Lindberg Mikalsen Kshitiz Adhikari, Dora Oline Eriksrud Martin Gundersen Phi-Thien Hoang Petter Njerve Rostrup

13 Group 8: Wireless Registrations System for Fencing Based on Smartphones
Customer: Tordenskiold Trondheim Fekteklubb Contact: Otto J Wittner Supervisor: Simon Bibri Meets at room: Oasen 1. floor Evelyn Saxegaard Jonas Dammen Eivind Fjeldstad Mathias Fagerland Skotnes Mikkel Svagård Thayanan Tharmapalan Sindre Skåland Brun

14 Group 9: Mobile Payment System Demo
Customer: AblePay Technologies As Contact: Steinar Brede Supervisor: Simon Bibri Meets at room: Oasen 2. floor Sigrid Lofthus Bjørndal Olivier Andre Pascal Agier Sander Aker Christiansen Arna Glavovic Rosita (Flyttet til prosjekt 14) Høybakken Vebjørn Isaksen Tomas Magnus Slagstad Daniel Strømme Solberg

15 Group 10: Prototyping app for operation planning at Helse Midt-Norge
Customer: HEMIT (Helse Midt-Norge IT) Contact: Rune Andreas Grimstad Supervisor: Letizia Jaccheri Meets at room: Oasen 3. floor Nina Røsdal Graneggen Eivind Grimstad Magnus Austlid Grov Felix Paul Ohlsen Svenn-Helge Vatne Fredrik Vatsendvik Jenny Stange Johansen

16 Group 11: Machine learning for anomaly detection
Customer: Signicat Contact: Lars Klemetsaune Supervisor: Lemei Zhang Meets at room: Oasen 4. floor Mathilde Theisen Deepak Shrestha Mathias Aarseth Pedersen Ivar Haga Kråbøl Andreas Jacobsen Lepperød Anna Rodum Bjøru Ivar Austin Fauske

17 Group 12: Hvordan kan AI/Machine Learning utnytte adferdsanalyse og forutse markedstrender?
Customer: Lighthouse8 Contact: Freddy Aursø Supervisor: Peng Liu Meets at room: 122 Sandra Marie Skarshaug Kristoffer Thorset Ole-Magnus Pedersen Henrik Bruåsdal Jacob Henrik Nyman Aleksander Madsen Dahl Christian Odden

18 Group 13: Bow-tie modelling of security risks
Customer: Sintef Digital Contact: Christian Frøystad Supervisor: Peng Liu Meets at room: Anniken Kristiansen Holst Robert Einarson Lars Henrik Søreide Grytten Trond Sivert Eskeland Humborstad Alf Johansen Simen Kværneng Kaspersen Morten Lundenes

19 Group 14: Web-based system for Experience Transfer
Customer: NTNUI Contact: Katrine Lind Hegg og/eller Emilie Zakariassen Supervisor: Lemei Zhang Meets at room: Rosita Høybakken Erlend Kaurstad Morthen Mathias Sundt Müller Anders Klever Kirkeby Ask Jentoft Thor Even Tutturen Rasmus Stene

20 Is there anyone who is not allocated to any of the groups?

21 Group room allocation for the meeting with supervisors at Wednesday August 30th :
09:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 12:00 12:00 – 13:30 13:00 – 14:30 14:30 – 16:00 ITV-260 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 7 ITV-157 Group 6 Group 5 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 ITV-054 Group 11 Group 12 NB! Group 13 and 14 will meet later Groups might swap rooms with each other The rooms are also available outside the set times

22 Group rooms available for TDT4290 this semester
Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays ITV-260 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 7 ITV-157 Group 6 Group 5 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 ITV-054 Group 11 Group 12 ITV-122 Group 13

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