Claiming your expenses

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1 Claiming your expenses

2 Changes to your way of working
Expenses Our ways of working for submitting and approving expenses is changing This presentation takes you through the key aspects of the change One of a series of presentations detailing changes to our ways of working

3 Expenses – definitions
Raise an expense claim and attach scanned receipts Reviewed and approved by line manager Audited by Finance Shared Service Centre Get paid First time you submit an expense claim you need to send in your bank details to ensure payment You must raise an expense claim in line with Kier’s expense policy Expenses must be claimed against correct project and task number If you have not done so please undertake the iExpenses training

4 Expenses – the big changes
ALL Kier employees expense claims will be processed through Oracle Expenses MUST be claimed against Project Number and Task Number Enforces the current Kier Expenses policy, bringing rigour Claims are sent to your Line Manager for approval ALL expense claims are audited, against Policy Depending on the expense type, payment is either made through: Your nominated bank account Payroll for taxable expenses / Smart Miles (as applicable) Implications & consequences : Delegation for those who do not use a Computer Delays due to missing or incorrect information Enforcing best practice and control Timely action to for prompt payment

5 Types of expense claims
Taxable expenses – paid through payroll Need to be submitted and fully approved by line manager and Finance Shared Service Centre prior to payroll cut-off date to be paid in same month Smart Miles Non taxable ‘out of pocket’ expenses – paid directly into bank account Mileage expenses Non-mileage expenses

6 Employees If the employee has no access to a computer they will be advised who the delegate is to input their expense claims There are 2 templates for expense claims When entering mileage claims you need to be aware that you have to enter to and from postcodes and the audit process uses Google maps as its reference for the mileage claimed In the event that you do not follow the shortest route for specific traffic reasons you must provide an explanation eg. Roadworks, road closures, flooding, quicker etc Mileage expenses Non-mileage expenses Smart Miles

7 Pay dates and payroll process deadlines
Line managers You will receive notifications on expense claims from your team which you should review again policy and either approve or return Make sure the correct project and task number is used in the expense claim SmartMiles must be approved prior to payroll cut-off to ensure payment in the same month If you are an iExpenses approver and you go on holiday, you will need to set a new approver. Vacation rules are in Expenses online training. Month Year askHR Deadline Pay date December 2016 12th 23rd January 2017 16th 27th February 15th 28th March April 13th May 26th June July 17th August 14th 25th September October November 11th 22nd Pay dates and payroll process deadlines

8 What you need to do before go-live
Do the online training covering the iExpense process here. Read the expenses policy and familiarise yourself. Submit all outstanding expense claims well in advance of go-live Keep your receipts for all expenses incurred before and after go-live, so they can be submitted to support your claim in Oracle iExpenses – for example VAT receipts for fuel claims Check your Line Manager is correctly shown in the HR data (your implementation team will explain how this data is gathered and checked) – your Line Manager will check / approve your expense claims Confirm the Project Numbers and Task Numbers you will be claiming expenses against (your implementation team will explain how this information is captured and communicated) If you are leaving the business after the last COINS expenses run (16 December) and before Go Live on 9 January you will need to contact FSSC – and request a legacy paper expense form to complete. You will then need to submit the claim to FSSC and the payment will be made.

9 What you need to know on go-live
Claims approved before 10th of the Month will be included in the same month’s payroll, otherwise it will appear in the following payroll Google Maps is the agreed tool by which mileage is validated, against postcodes entered. If you’ve taken an alternative route then clearly describe the reason for doing so in the notes section of the claim. Ensure you know which Project Numbers and Task Numbers to claim expenses against. A claim over £500 will be forwarded via iExpenses to the business Finance Director / Managing Director for approval

10 Expenses – Training Demo
[ED. NOTE – need Kier network access to view???]

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