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Precision Tests of Fundamental Interactions with Ion Trap Experiments

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Presentation on theme: "Precision Tests of Fundamental Interactions with Ion Trap Experiments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Precision Tests of Fundamental Interactions with Ion Trap Experiments
Wolfgang Quint GSI Darmstadt and Univ. Heidelberg

2 HITRAP at the Experimental Storage Ring ESR
UNILAC experiments with particles at rest or at low energies cooler Penning trap post- decelerator 400 MeV/u SIS stripper target EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY CHARGED IONS AND ANTIPROTONS AT EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: g-factor measurements of the bound electron laser spectroscopy mass measurements of extreme accuracy reaction microscope, collisions at very low velocities surface studies and hollow-atom spectroscopy x-ray spectroscopy U73+ U91+ U91+ ESR electron cooling and deceleration down to 4 MeV/u

3 HITRAP facility at ESR SPARC-EBIT Linac operation frequency
MHz IH-deceleration 4 MeV/u  0.5 MeV/u RFQ-deceleration 0.5 MeV/u  6 keV/u Max. A/q 3 operation with antiprotons YES, planned at FLAIR g-factor trap SPARC-EBIT Other experimental setups H1-H6 Double-drift-buncher IH-structure RFQ Cooler trap HCI from ESR 4 MeV/u  0.5 MeV/u  6 keV/u

4 HITRAP: Technical design
to experiments matching section and cooler trap Double-drift buncher IH section RFQ section 7m

5 HITRAP facility at GSI storage ring

6 HITRAP: Inter-digital H-mode (IH) structure
deceleration from 4 MeV/u to 0.5 MeV/u 4 MeV/u 0.5 MeV/u 6 keV/u

7 Double-drift-buncher
Commissioning of RFQ decelerator and of cooler trap in progress RFQ decelerator HITRAP cooler trap vertical beam line Experiments LEBT+ Cooler-trap IH-structure+ MEBT Double-drift-buncher RFQ

8 HITRAP Cooler Penning trap
● electron cooling ● resistive cooling to T = 4 K highly charged ions from HITRAP decelerator cooled HCI to HITRAP experiments extraction from cooler trap: fast (ms) or slow (ms...sec) U92+ e- e- 3

9 HITRAP Cooler Penning trap
● electron cooling ● resistive cooling to T = 4 K highly charged ions from HITRAP decelerator cooled HCI to HITRAP experiments extraction from cooler trap: fast (ms) or slow (ms...sec) U92+ e- e- 3

10 B → 'experimental g-Factor of the bound electron in
a hydrogen-like ion (nucleus has no spin, e.g. 12C5+, 16O7+, 28Si13+, 40Ca19+) Larmor precession frequency of the bound electron: Ion cyclotron frequency: B → 'experimental g-factor' → comparison with theory our measurement external input parameter

11 A single highly charged ion stored in a Penning trap

12 Triple Penning Trap System
7mm Precision trap (PT) Very homogeneous magnetic field Analysis trap (AT) Magnetic bottle for spin detection ~14 cm Creation trap (CT) In-trap ion creation of highly-charged ions

13 Triple Penning Trap System
Precision trap (PT) Very homogeneous magnetic field Analysis trap (AT) Magnetic bottle for spin detection Creation trap (CT) In-trap ion creation of highly-charged ions

14 (GSI/Heidelberg collaboration)
g-Factor trap in Mainz (GSI/Heidelberg collaboration)

15 28Si13+ High-resolution cyclotron frequency measurement
of a single highly charged silicon ion 28Si13+

16 Multiphoton Ionization Studies
HILITE: Interaction of High-Intensity Laser Radiation with Trapped Ions Multiphoton Ionization Studies Helmholtz-Institut Jena Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena Cooperation with Sugam Kumar and C.P. Safvan, IUAC Delhi

17 HILITE: Trap Electrodes
virtual trap meets real trap Dec 2013

18 HILITE: Test of single-pass ion detector
Penning trap in a dry superconducting magnet @ PHELIX, FLASH (II), JETI, POLARIS,... 1m

19 Precision Penning trap at HITRAP
7T superconducting magnet

20 Test of reservoir trap in an open Penning trap with highly charged argon ions
ArX+ ArX+ ArX+ Electrons Argon Gas Argon Gas ArX+ ArX+ ArX+ Electrons

21 Transport into Spectroscopy Trap
Ar13+ Ar13+ Ar13+ Ar13+

22 Preliminary Mass Spectra

23 Training in specific new areas, or technical expertise
ion trapping techniques low-temperature electronics superconducting magnets superconducting resonance circuits for particle detection high-sensitivity optical particle detection

24 SPARC Collaboration at FAIR
(Stored Particles Atomic Research Collaboration) PHELIX FACILITIES SIS100 HESR APPA-Cave ESR CRYRING HITRAP

25 Thank you for your attention !
Acknowledgements Helmholtz-Institut Jena Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena VH-NG-037 Thank you for your attention !

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