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Symposium on the “12% rule” and “ puzzle”

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1 Symposium on the “12% rule” and “ puzzle”
-- A brief summary of questions Mar. 20, 2011, Beijing

2 For discussions What mechanism leads to large helicity-selection-rule violating decays of J/  VP, especially to ? How reliable is the 12% rule? Are there generalities for other HSL-violating processes? (3770) Also, charmonium decays into baryon pairs.

3 Branching ratios for J/ (cc)  V P

4 5. J/ enhanced? ’ suppressed? Or both?
4. How to understand the correlation between the HSL-violation and OZI-rule violation? 5. J/ enhanced? ’ suppressed? Or both? D g V c c D* J/, ' J/ () c c* P D OZI-evading: non-pQCD dominant Hidden charm of  meson? Glueball component of J/? Meson loops? Higher Fock states? ……

5 6. How to single out the contributions from the EM and strong transitions?
J/,  PP for the role played by EM annihilations (X.Q. Li; Yuan et al. ) c, c  VV for the role played by strong annihilations (Wang, Liu, QZ) Can we measure the isospin-breaking strong decays of charmonia? (Question from Yu-Qi Chen)

6 7. Any suspicions on experimental data?
8. What is the desired precision? 9. Are there better ways to categorize data rather than into (quasi-two-body) VP, VT, PP, AP, …?

7 The “12%” rule and the “0.02%” rule
’ VP/P suppressed ’ PP enhanced ’ VT suppressed ’ BB obey/enh. Multi-body obey/sup Seems no obvious rule to categorize the suppressed, the enhanced, and the normal decay modes of J/ and ’. The models developed for interpreting specific mode may be hard to find solution for other (all) modes. The ’’ decays into light hadrons may (not) be large --- more data and more sophisticated analysis are needed to extract the branching fractions from the observed cross sections. Why D-wave decay width so large? Model to explain J/, ’ and ’’ decays naturally and simultaneously? S-D mixing in ’ and ’’ [J. L. Rosner, PRD64, (2001)] DD-bar reannihilation in ’’ (J. L. Rosner, hep-ph/ ) Four-quark component in ’’ [M. Voloshin, PRD71, (2005)] Survival cc-bar in ’ (P. Artoisenet et al., PLB628, 211 (2005)) Other model(s)?

8 10. (2S)-(1D) mixings: ’’ decays add more information or just trouble?
e+e- partial widths of psi’ and psi’’ Lineshape measurement of psi’’ is sensitive to the presence of the psi’, which provides a stringent constraint on the psi’ coupling to DD-bar. ee  DD Y.-J. Zhang and QZ, PRD2010; H.B. Li and M. Yang, PRD2010.

9 Inclusive non-DD hadronic cross sections from BES

10 A possible way to determine the mixing between (2S) and (1D)
(3770) (3686) D Y.-J. Zhang and QZ, PRD2010

11 11. Can bottomonia decays help?

12 An analogue of the “12% rule” :

13 12. Non-exotic explanations of many observations in the charmonium spectrum?
13. What’s the role played by open charm thresholds? 14. How to make a direct measurement? Explanation of Y(4260) as a open charm effects (X. Liu et al. ) Nature of X(3900) (1) (Zhang, QZ; Wang, Liu, QZ)

14 Evidence for the open charm effects?
X(3900) ? (3770) (4040) (4160) (4415) e+e-  DD What is X(3900)? Not inlcuded in PDG2010. Not in charmonium spectrum … … Pakhlova et al., PRD77, (2008).

15 Where to test? X(3900) ? Wang, Liu, QZ, [hep-ph]

16 Thanks for your attention!
15. How can experimentalists & theorists make joint effort in understanding the “ puzzle” and even more? More theory studies … … More Experimental measurements … … Thanks for your attention!

17 致谢: CCAST 南开大学 高能所

18 Next meeting? 长白山?天山?喜马拉雅山?

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