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Yu-Kuo Hsiao Academia Sinica In collaboration with H.Y. Cheng, C.Q. Geng and Chun-Hung Chen Feb. 26, 2008 Outline: Introduction Formalism Results Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Yu-Kuo Hsiao Academia Sinica In collaboration with H.Y. Cheng, C.Q. Geng and Chun-Hung Chen Feb. 26, 2008 Outline: Introduction Formalism Results Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yu-Kuo Hsiao Academia Sinica In collaboration with H.Y. Cheng, C.Q. Geng and Chun-Hung Chen Feb. 26, 2008 Outline: Introduction Formalism Results Summary

2 The features of the 3-body baryonic B decays B meson is heavy enough to create baryon pairs. 3-body>2-body: against three-monks-sharing-no-water principle Large forward-backward angular distribution asymmetries of more than 40%. Possible large CP violation around 20% in B→ppK*. T-violation can be studied due to their rich spin structures.

3 3-body>2-body in baryonic B decays

4 3-body>2-body due to the threshold effect: The spectrum peaks as the dibaryon invariant mass gets close to the threshold (m1+m2). It was first conjectured by W.S. Hou and A. Soni in PRL86,2732 (2001). This effect manifests in all charmless cases.

5 Theoretical calculations: The pole model: using the resonance as the pole around dibaryon rest masses. The pQCD counting rules: with the expansion of 1/t^n to account for hard gluon propagators, which attach to valence quarks in baryon pairs. There are some other methods, such as the fragmentation and the final state interaction.

6 The forward-backward angular distribution asymmetry

7 As we know, there are no such things as the asymmetries of more than 20% but for 3-body baryonic cases. Take the example of B-> K ee : the partial decay width is in the form of where To create the b term, it is necessary to have new physics to apply scalar-type currents, since the electron pair only has a vector-type coupling in SM. This is how we test new physics. However, to explain the 3-body baryonic cases =>a unusual spin structure

8 Theoretical description for The forward-backward angular distribution asymmetry Fragmentation (Rosner) Short-distance picture (H.Y. Cheng and K.C. Yang) Partial wave (Suzuki) pQCD counting rules (Geng and Hsiao)

9 Summary for angular distribution ppK ppπ Λpγ Λpπ Fragmentation (o) (x) (x) (x) Short-distance (x) (o) (o) (x) Partial wave (o) (?) (o) (x) pQCD counting (o) (o) -- --

10 In 3-body baryonic B decays, dibaryon’s spin strutures with a meson momentum can create T-odd triple product PRD72, 037901 (2005) and arXiv:0801.0022 [hep-ph] by Geng and Hsiao T-violation

11 Direct CP violation: We found B->ppK* is free of the hadron structure, and this leads to large and stable prediction for direct CP violation. PRL98, 011801 (2006) by Geng, Hsiao and Ng. the data from Babar [PRD76, 092004(2007)] is.32±0.13±0.05. Direct CP violation

12 similar behaviors in charmful cases: Threshold effect ppD ppD* ΛpJ/ψ Angular distribution asymmetry The Dalitz plot of B->ppD and B->ppD* with asymmetric distributions can be recognized as a nonzero angular distribution asymmetries. Motivation to study charmful 3-body baryonic B decays

13 So, we expect that the method for the charmless cases could also be used for the charmful cases. The study of the charmful cases may clarify the puzzle of the angular distribution in the charmless cases, because they are supposed to be related by the same baryonic form factors.

14 1. The charmful 3-body baryonic B decays are simpler: Tree level dominates Without scalar-type currents 2. Brs are of order 10^{-4} to 10^{-6}, larger than the charmless ones. Easier to measure Easier to trace angular distribution/Dalitz Plot asymmetries Advantages for the charmful cases

15 Who have studied the charmful 3-body baryonic B decays?[with the charm mesons in the final states] C.K. Chua, W.S. Hou and S.Y. Tsai: PRD65, 034003 (2002) Tsai’s thesis (2005) H.Y. Cheng and K.C. Yang: PRD66, 094009 (2002) Vincenzo Laporta arXiv: 0707.2751 exp’t ther’y Angular distribution asy (x) (x) Dalitz plot asy (o) (x)

16 Branching ratios


18 Effective quark level Hamiltonian

19 Amplitudes and decay modes: 1. Current type

20 Amplitudes and decay modes: 2. Transition type

21 Amplitudes and decay modes: 3. Hybrid type

22 Meson decay constants

23 B to P(V) transition form factors

24 0 to BB Form Factors

25 Some of them are suppressed. Some of them are suppressed.

26 B to BB transition Form Factors



29 parameters

30 a1 and a2

31 Data Current type


33 Data transition type with D and D*


35 Data transition type with J/Ψ


37 Hybrid type Hybrid type

38 Summary The data for charmful cases can be explained by using the information from the charmless cases. Some modes are predicted to be accessible to the B factories, such as

39 Thank you!

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