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World Population Problems

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1 World Population Problems
Nature of the World Population Problem Stable population for 8,000 years Survival precarious for most people Since 1650 there has been rapid population growth

2 World Population Growth

3 Population variables Population increases are a function of three variables, i.e. fertility, mortality and migration Population formula: Population (now) = Population (then) + (births-deaths) +/- Migration

4 World Population Growth
8,000 BC to 1650 AD = 500 million 1650 AD to 2000 AD = 5.6 billion 50,000 new mouths to feed every year in first period 50,000 new mouths to feed every 6 minutes today. 90 million people added every year today

5 Malthus’ Explanation of Population Growth
Thomas Malthus Essay on Population Population grows as exponential rate (2,4,8,16,32,64) Food production grows at arithmetical rate (1,2,3,4,5) Population increases faster that food production

6 Validity of Malthus’ Predictions
Malthus proved to be poor prophet in 18th and 19th C Famine, disease, war did not result in decreased world population Was Malthus premature? Paul Erlich’s Population Bomb (neo-Malthusian position) vs. Julian Simon’s Population as the Ultimate Resource. (cornucopian position)

7 Neo-Malthusian position
Population growth straining the world’s resources Destruction of forests for development and/or food production Energy and mineral consumption taxes resources Over-fishing Widening gap between rich and poor Inadequate development, refugee problems, donor fatigue Belief in environmental responsibility leading to sustainable growth

8 Cornucopian position Life expectancy doubled in 20th C (30yrs to 60 yrs) Global health and productivity expanding Overpopulation is scare talk of environmentalists The real issue of poverty not breeding Technology will solve all human problems Population growth creates jobs, opens markets, expands opportunities Ecologists want sustainability; cornucopian economists want economic growth, exploitation of markets and resources

9 Reasons for Rapid Population Growth
The Demographic transition (from high birth rate and high death rate to low birth rate and low death rate) Population growth is a function of three variables: fertility, mortality and migration Formula: Population now = Population (then) +/- (births-deaths) +/- migration

10 Demographic Transition
Stage I Preindustrial economy High birth rates and high death rates Stable population that grows slowly Large number of children who perform useful work in fields Children provide social security system in old age Life expectancy low; security dependent on your family

11 Stage II High birth rates with falling death rates
Improvements in public health, sanitation, medicine that prolongs life Productivity of agriculture improves Opportunity for alternative employment due to industrial development Industrialization stimulates urbanization and specialization of labor

12 Stage III Birth rate declines rapidly
Smaller families due to urbanization and demands for education Children are more of a liability financially and economically Population growth declines dramatically

13 Stage IV Birth rates and death rates fall
Population stabilizes at lower level Demand for education high Modern economy and urban environment make large families less necessary Governments adopt social security programs

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