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Christmas in Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "Christmas in Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christmas in Scotland

2 When do they put up decorations for Christmas?
Many people decorate the outside of their house with brightly coloured lights and often on trees. Some people do it at the beginning of December, others wait until Christmas Eve. In Scotland it gets dark really fast in the evenings, and that can be really depressing sometimes. Then the Christmas lights really cheer them up.

3 When do they open their presents?
Like the rest of UK, Scotland opens their presents the 25th of december in the morning.

4 What do they eat on christmas eve?
Starter: The starter is a often a soup or some smoked salmon. Main courses: The traditional Scottish Christmas Dinner is usually Roast Turkey, served with Roast Potatoes, Roast Parsnips, gravy, bread sauce and cranberry jelly. Dessert: The Christmas pudding is usually served with brandy butter, rum sauce, custard or fresh cream. Other people make the similar dish 'Clootie Dumpling'.

5 five traditions that different from the ones in Denmark
A disgusting dessert. In Denmark we have Advent. They unwrap their presents the 25th of December. they are one hour behind us. In Scotland there is an old superstition, that it’s bad luck if the fire goes out on Christmas eve, since it is at this time that the elves are abroad and only a raging fire will keep them from coming down the chimney.

6 Four traditions that are similar to the ones in Denmark
The duck The presents. The Christmas tree Decorated houses Three course menu.

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