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WW II Europe Review.

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Presentation on theme: "WW II Europe Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW II Europe Review

2 Response to German aggression

3 Commanded German Africa Corps
Erwin Rommel (Desert Fox)

4 Beat Rommel in Africa Bernard Montgomery

5 Soviet Forces stopped the Germans at

6 June 6th 1944 D-DAY

7 Operation Barbarossa was Hitler's plan to do what
Invade the Soviet Union

8 Operation Overlord D-DAY June 6th 1944

9 A day that will live in Infamy

10 Largest Amphibious assault landed where?

11 Germans pushed the French And British to evacuate by boat

12 Who said we will fight on the Beaches, field, streets, never surrender
Winston Churchill

13 Britian & France Entered the War when Hitler did this
Invaded Poland

14 German rapid assault tactic still used by the USMC

15 Hitler signed a non aggression pact with
Soviet Union

16 Why did France fall so fast
Italy invaded from the south

17 Air war to stop German Bombers
Battle of Britain

18 Free trade between USA and Britain
Atlantic Charter

19 Why was Hitler unsuccessful against Russia
It Was Winter

20 The Final German Offensive
Battle of the Bulge

21 The war in Europe ended when
The Allies took Berlin

22 Kristallnacht Germans Destroyed Jewish Homes, Businesses and synagogues

23 Term used to describe the mass genocide of Jews

24 Jews were put here example Auschwitz
Concentration camps

25 Leader of France in exile
Charles De Gaulle

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