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Welcome to Year 6.

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1 Welcome to Year 6

2 Mr Brightwell – Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Staff in Year 6 Mrs Marsland – Class teacher Mr Brightwell – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

3 (New) Typical Day 8.50am Arrive at school and registration 9.00am Spellings/Dictionary Work/Handwriting 9.20am Maths – Session am Assembly 10.15am Playtime 10.30am Maths - Session am English 11.45am Guided Reading 12.10pm Lunch 1.10pm Afternoon session (2 curriculum topics) 3.10pm Home time

4 (New) Friday typical day
8.50am Arrive at school and registration 9.00am Celebration Assembly and Worship 9.25am Maths – Arithmetic 10.15am Playtime 10.30am Spelling/Handwriting/Dictionary Work 10.50am English 11.45am Guided Reading 12.10pm Lunch 1.10pm Afternoon session (2 curriculum topics) 3.10pm Hometime

5 School Uniform For Girls:Grey skirt/pinafore dress/smart school trousers Gold or bottle green polo shirt or white blouse Bottle green jumper or cardigan Summer - Green or yellow check/stripe dress For Boys:Grey (not black) smart school trousers (or shorts in summer) Gold or bottle green polo shirt or White shirt Bottle green jumper or cardigan Boys & Girls: Black sensible school shoes (flat heels) or black trainers Black pumps for indoor wear

6 School Uniform P.E. and GAMES KIT Black PE Shorts
Plain round necked t-Shirt (in team colour) Change of socks Trainers for outdoor activity (on days required) – will wear black pumps for indoor activity Jogging bottoms, sweatshirt/waterproof coat (for outdoor PE) Teams and colours: LION - Red TIGER - Blue PANTHER - Yellow JAGUAR – Green Pupils must remove jewellery for PE lessons. Any children who cannot remove their earrings should cover them with medical tape.

7 School Uniform IMPORTANT: IDENTIFICATION OF CLOTHING AND PROPERTY Please mark all items of clothing, footwear and other property brought to school with the child's name. Lost property boxes are located in the KS2 cloakroom.

8 Curriculum Core Subjects: English (reading, writing, speaking and listening) Maths Science Computing RE Foundation Subjects: History / Geography Music PE Art / Design Technology PSHCE French

9 School Rewards We praise and reward children for good behaviour in a variety of ways: teachers congratulate children; pupils receive stickers or stamps to acknowledge good behaviour; we distribute ticks to children in key stage two either for good work, reading, behaviour, or to acknowledge outstanding effort or acts of kindness in school. These ticks are accumulated and pupils are awarded certificates for every 10 merits they receive; each week we nominate 1 child from each class to receive an achievement award and 1 child to receive an ethos award each week 1 children from each class is nominated to receive a lunchtime award all classes have an opportunity to lead a class assembly where they are able to show examples of their best work.

10 Discipline Traffic light system: Green – good behaviour
Amber – verbal warning Red – spend 5 minutes in another classroom, reflecting on their behaviour. Continued misbehaviour: Work in another classroom for a longer period of time and miss the next playtime. During this playtime they will be expected to discuss with an adult what they did and how this behaviour has impacted on themselves and others. Meeting will be called between the classteacher and the parents. Following on from this meeting, a meeting with the headteacher would be requested if an improvement to behaviour had not occurred. If a child threatens, hurts or bullies another pupil, the class teacher records the incident and the child is punished. If a child repeatedly acts in a way that disrupts or upsets others, the school contacts the child’s parents and seeks an appointment in order to discuss the situation, with a view to improving the behaviour of the child.

11 Ticks – behaviour, achievement, effort, manners etc.
Class rewards Ticks – behaviour, achievement, effort, manners etc. Cushions! Golden moments

12 Homework Diaries Planners in preparation for secondary school.
They love them! Record homework, reading tasks etc. Record things to remember.

13 Homework Regular reading Weekly spellings Rapid Recall and KIRF
A weekly English and Maths task and usually a reading based task which might be Bug Club. Sometimes a topic related task. Generally, homework issued on a Thursday and due back on the following Tuesday.

14 Reading Regular reading. Reading a range of books.
Reading aloud also helps fluency. Reading tasks – questioning, understanding the text, dictionary work. Bug club tasks. Library books, Bug Club books and ‘class books’.

15 Spellings National Curriculum lists certain words children are expected to know. Weekly spelling words to learn – might relate to a ‘rule’, their own personal list of words or those in the curriculum list they don’t know. Less words to learn each week. Spelling journals and homework books children will have a list of the curriculum words they do not know.

16 Rapid Recall/Key Maths Facts

17 Rapid Recall Targets

18 Trips & Visits Autumn 1 – Robinwood Autumn 2 – The Vikings (York) Spring 1 – Evolution Workshop (in school) Spring 2 - Bikeability

19 12.30 Battle Tactics Workshop at DIG
The Vikings Wednesday 2nd November 2016 £10 per head as we will be using Abbey Grange minibuses. 10.30 St Marys: Home & Abroad 12.00 Lunch Room at DIG 12.30 Battle Tactics Workshop at DIG 13.30 Sagas Workshop at DIG

20 SATs

21 Questions

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