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WMIDMUN XI Annabelle .

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1 WMIDMUN XI Annabelle 

2 So what is MUN? It’s a model of the real United Nations in New York City YOU are a delegate in a committee (DISEC, WHO, etc.) and must tackle real issues facing our world today (Some of you guys are going to be in a special committee!) It’s at the College of William and Mary this year, among others…

3 Example: Anne last year!
Delegate representing AUSTRALIA in DISEC Topics: Cyber terrorism and Biological weapons Partnered with Watie Katie  AKA Katherine Mulder

4 Prepare Do the research on credible websites like .org or .gov and. Then be sure to print out these sources and take them with you to MUN! Hint: Bring both the Works Cited and the documents with you, but above all print everything out before you get to MUN or the hotel! Two copies of EVERYTHING is awesome  Observe Go onto and look up some great vids (to watch some experts in a MUN. They can show you what to expect when you’re expecting  JKJK but seriously DON’T brush these videos aside and DO watch them! Offer List the problems in the position paper (AKA those topics are the problems) and what your country thinks about them (e.g. what has your president said? Politicians? Real UN delegates? Congress?) but then offer up some solutions that your country supports! Believe me, a MUN can be really boring if all you do is recognize the problems but don’t come up with any solutions, that’s where the FUN comes in! And working papers/resolutions… Present Now you just need to type up the problems, your positions, and solutions in MLA format! (Slap yourself in shame if you don’t know what MLA is) The chair will be collecting your papers and will be pleased to see them in MLA format. Advice: not everyone will type their papers up in MLA, but don’t feel out of it and rise above them with your excellent formatting! And last but not least know what you typed in your position paper (hint hint keep a copy with you!) so you can present these ideas later to other nations in committee What do you have to do? Write a Position Paper! What’s that? A good position paper will: Explain your country’s position, or ideas, on a certain topic (you should have a list by now of your committee’s topics) My advice: tackle it by splitting up the work with your partner, for example if there are four topics, you do two and your partner does two If there are an odd number of topics, do one each and do the third one together! teamwork

5 When You Get There… LISTEN to mrbob, he will be your chief guide!
Be sure to bring some $$$, but don’t waste it DO buy a shirt to wear on the last day DON’T buy food that mrbob has already paid for (continental breakfast, food card, etc) There are souvenirs, but it you ask me none of them are worth your cash Make sure you have your MUN stuff with you ORGANIZED and in a binder Everything should have been printed out at home and are divided up by tabs You will need your: Position Paper (1 for you, 1 for the chair) Works Cited Research/documents

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