And the verb “to be” is/am was/were

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Presentation on theme: "And the verb “to be” is/am was/were"— Presentation transcript:

1 And the verb “to be” is/am was/were
Clean/Dirty And the verb “to be” is/am was/were LBurgessFeb 2012

2 clean/dirty clean- limpio/a dirty-sucio/a LBurgessFeb 2012

3 Do you like to clean? Do you dislike to clean?
LBurgessFeb 2012

4 Whose job is it to clean? LBurgessFeb 2012

5 Is my room clean or dirty?
_____ the ________ clean? Hurry, Mom ____ coming home now! After school I ___________________ my room since it is ______________. My room is ________________ , but my cousin’s room is______________. LBurgessFeb 2012

6 Is her face clean or dirty?
I like my ____________ when it ____________ clean. She took off her make up. Now her face ______ _________________ . LBurgessFeb 2012

7 Is the restroom clean or is it dirty?
My bathroom at home ____ clean, but public _______ _____ usually dirty. 2. The men’s _______________ is ______________________. 3. The women’s _________________ is __________________. LBurgessFeb 2012

8 Is the pig clean or dirty? The pig _____ _______.
LBurgessFeb 2012

9 Is the laundry clean or dirty?
I like my ________________ when it ________________ clean. ________ the ________ clean? Mom ____ coming home now! I washed my ____________ this morning. It __________ clean. LBurgessFeb 2012

10 The ground ______ _______. They _____ making the ground _______
The ground ______ _______. They _____ making the ground _______. The ground ____ not __________. LBurgessFeb 2012

11 I will _______ my hands. My hands ______ ________
I will _______ my hands. My hands ______ ________. My hands ______ not _______ . LBurgessFeb 2012

12 The air _____ _________. The air _____ not ______ .
LBurgessFeb 2012

13 The rug _____ _________. The rug _____ not ______ .
LBurgessFeb 2012

14 The ground _____ ___________. The ground _____ not ________ .
LBurgessFeb 2012

15 What is he doing? He is____ making the ground____________________ .
Now the ground ______ _________________________ . LBurgessFeb 2012

16 Things we like clean: I like my _________ when it _______ clean.
When I ______ sick, I go to a clean ____________. My dad washes his ________ every Saturday. It _______ always clean. You can’t see through _________ if they _________ (negative) clean. You can breathe (aspirer) easily if the _____ ______ clean. _____ the ________ clean? Mom ____ coming home now! I washed my _______ this morning. It ___ clean. If _________ _____ not clean, the health department closes them. LBurgessFeb 2012

17 Things that are dirty: After playing outside, the ______ and _____ of little kids ______ dirty. _______ are a dirty animal. Dishes _______ dirty after _______. Dirty _______ is smelly. My sister won’t change the baby’s _______ because it ____ dirty. Throw out your papers but don’t touch the _______. It ___ dirty. My bathroom ____ clean, but public _______ _____ usually dirty. LBurgessFeb 2012

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