SharePoint Authentication and Authorization

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Presentation on theme: "SharePoint Authentication and Authorization"— Presentation transcript:

1 SharePoint Authentication and Authorization
Liam Cleary Solution Architect | SharePoint MVP

2 About Me Solution Architect @ SusQtech (Winchester, VA)
SharePoint MVP since 2007 Working with SharePoint since 2002 Worked on all kinds of projects Internet Intranet Extranet Anything SharePoint Really Involved in Architecture, Deployment, Customization and Development of SharePoint

3 Agenda Security in General Security with SharePoint Authentication
Authorization Authentication vs. Authorization Claims Authentication / Authorization Options Available Membership & Role Providers Identity Provider Cloud Based Services Art of Authorization Things to Remember

4 Security in General Dictionary Definition:
Freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety. Freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence. Something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense. Freedom from financial cares or from want: The insurance policy gave the family security. Precautions taken to guard against crime, attack, sabotage, espionage


6 Security with SharePoint
Isn't this an oxymoron? Just kidding!!

7 Security with SharePoint
How does security come into play with SharePoint? Same questions as the previous security How, Who, When and often Why Content specific security Role based as well is individual security Collaboration security Cross Team Cross Organizational Cross Company Specific permission sets for types of access and functionality

8 Authentication – What is?
Dictionary Definition: To establish as genuine. To establish the authorship or origin of conclusively or unquestionably, chiefly by the techniques of scholarship: to authenticate a painting. To make authoritative or valid.

9 Authentication – Types of?
Windows NTLM Kerberos Basic Anonymous Digest Forms-based Authentication Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Microsoft SQL Server ASP.NET Membership and Role Providers SAML Token-based Authentication Active Directory Federated Services 3rd Party Identity Provider

10 Authorization – What is?
Dictionary Definition: The act of authorizing. Permission or power granted by an authority; sanction. To give authority or official power to; To give authority for; formally sanction (an act or proceeding): To establish by authority or usage:

11 Authentication vs. Authorization
Misunderstood Terminology Users, IT and Developers Authentication = Verification of Claim (I am Liam) Authorization = Verification of Permission (Liam has access to) Authentication Precedes Authorization Correct ID shown to Bank Teller You are Asking to be Authenticated on the Account Once accepted you become Authorized on the Account Exception to the rule Anonymous Access can leave comments on Blog site Anonymous users are already Authorized but not Authenticated Too often we focus on Authentication and not Authorization We expect our users, clients etc. to just inherently know what they are to do We often forget that Authentication can be broken, but Authorization is slightly more complicated

12 Authentication – Claims
SharePoint 2010 Introduced Claims Authentication

13 Authentication – Claims
Why introduce Claims Authentication? Wide Support Standards Based WS-Federation 1.1 WS-Trust 1.4 SAML Token 1.1 AuthN Single Sign On Federation Already many providers, Live, Google, Facebook etc Microsoft standard approach Fed up custom coding everything, every time Gets round (some) Office Integration problems Easy to configure with little effort Multiple Web Config changes, Web Application Changes and then of course the actual configuration of your identity provider

14 Authentication – Claim Terminology
Identity Info about a Person or Object (AD, Google, Windows Live, Facebook etc.) Claim Attributes of the Identity (User ID, , Age etc.) Token Binary Representation of Identity Set of Claims and the Signature Relying Party (aka RP) Users Token Secure Token Service (STS) Issuer of Tokens for Users

15 Authentication – Sign In Process
Identity Provider Security Token Service aka IP-STS SharePoint 2010 aka RP Resource Requested AuthN Request / Redirect AuthN Request Security Token Security Token Request Service Token Resource Request w/Service Token Resource Sent

16 Sign-In Process with Identity Provider

17 Authentication – Membership & Role Providers
Classic .NET approach Support Local Authentication Store Support Remote Authentication Stores Web Services, Remote Database Calls No inherent Single Sign On Custom Code to Achieve this, namely cookie based Full support for base .NET Providers Membership Provider – User Accounts and Authentication Role Provider – Equivalent of Groups, Authorization Element Specific Configuration needed for each Web Application Central Administration Secure Token Service Web Application Extensive “web.config” entries needed Custom Components in SharePoint will needed Welcome Control, Login Control etc.

18 Authentication – Custom Identity Provider
No need for Membership and Role Provider Can still be used – NOTE: Membership User Approach Single Sign Built in – Web Application needs to be set to require Authentication not Anonymous Central Managed and Entry point for all Authentication Support Local Authentication Store Support Remote Authentication Stores Web Services, Remote Database Calls Utilizes Windows Identity Framework Can use .NET 3.5 / 4.0 PowerShell configuration to implement Requires Trusted Certificate for Communication Custom Components in SharePoint will needed Welcome Control, Login Control etc.

19 Authentication - Azure Control Service
Microsoft ADFS Type Cloud Based Service Central Point for offloading Authentication Supports SAML 1.1 / SAML 2.0 Support Facebook Google Windows Live ID Yahoo Custom IDP Integrate with Custom Identity Provider Open ID type authentication Support for 3rd Party Integration Claim Mapping through configuration

20 Create Identity Provider

21 Authentication – Identity Provider
Deployment into separate Web Site Use SSL for all communication Ensure SharePoint 2010 trusts the certificate being used by the Provider Methods of override: Authenticate User GetClaimTypeForRole GetOutputClaimsIdentity Create User Class – methods to get values from backend into claims Create Claim Types class Create custom login methods and validation

22 Authorization SharePoint does this after Authentication
Is user member of group? Is user account added to ACL of object? Does user have required attribute? SharePoint only understands what it is told e.g. Just because user logged in at? Does not authorize Best Approach to Authorize Active Directory Groups Roles from Membership and Role Provider Claims associated to user Don’t just add users to groups or individually – can cause issues SharePoint default “DENY”

23 SharePoint Authorization
Anonymous Web Application / Site Collection Secured Site / Site Collection / Content Authentication Content Repository Is In Site Group? Content Does user have claim attribute?

24 Expect the Unexpected

25 Security – Real World Expect the unexpected
People will find a way to circumvent your security Give users minimal permission Starting with Less is good Add functionality through permission as needed Be prepared to secure at all levels Web Application Site Collection Site List or Library Item Use roles from Provider Active Directory Groups Membership and Role Provider Roles Claims

26 Thank You Personal Work: Blog:

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