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Welcome to Weald Rise Primary

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1 Welcome to Weald Rise Primary
An introduction to Year 6 Co-operation Ambition Resilience Respect

2 Year 6 classes Ash: Miss Mehta, Mrs Chauhan and Mrs Nagpal Tulip:
Mrs Johnson and Miss Said Chestnut: Miss Symeou, Mr Bieman and Mrs Davies Cedar: Mrs Wye, Mrs Chetanwala, Mrs Foley

3 High expectations: With parental support
To follow agreed class rules and our class contract To be responsible and organised To read to an adult each evening To learn spellings and meanings To learn all times tables up to x12 (expected by end of Y4) To bring in reading records books every day To be courteous and polite at all times

4 School day The register is taken at 8.50 and Assembly starts at 8.55am so children need to be in on time so as not to miss assembly. After this time the gates are closed and children need to sign in at the office. Please ensure you child is at school on time so that they make the most of the school day.

5 End of the day School finishes at 3.30 and children will need to be collected from their classrooms unless they have consent to walk home alone. 6 Tulip and 6 Ash will be collected from the main gate. Please do not take your child until an adult from their class has been told.

6 School uniform Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
White polo shirt with the school emblem, red tie Red school sweat shirt or cardigan Black shoes (boots can be worn in bad weather) White socks or red/grey tights. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery Please make sure the items of clothing are labelled with your child’s name as one red jumper looks much like another. The weather is unpredictable and children do have to go outside at playtime so please send them with a coat. PE kit: black shorts/ tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers.

7 Year 6 Autumn Term Overview 2016
Mathematics Number and Place value Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Fractions, decimals and percentages Measurements Algebra Statistics Ratio and proportion Geometry Properties of shapes English Writing- structure, use of vocabulary, spelling, grammar and punctuation. The fantastic five on a secret trail Mystery story writing writing leaflets Poetry Diary entry Reading - Weekly comprehension, prediction, accuracy and fluency. Science Electricity Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram Evolution Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution. Computing Develop an awareness of the capabilities of smartphones and tablets understand geolocation, including GPS identify interesting, solvable problems evaluate competing products pitch a proposal for a smartphone or tablet app. Music Having learnt how to play some Percussion Instruments last year, the pupils will be using a wide range of classroom instruments to perform Musical Portraits. They will choose, control and organise sounds to create the desired effects to describe a chosen person or character, just as the Russian Composer Shostakovich did. Geography Geographical/Natural disasters Earthquakes Tsunamis Volcanic eruptions Hurricanes Storms Religious Education Judaism Religious celebrations Design & Technology Research and design 3D Sculptures Physical Education Gymnastics Dance P.S.H.E. Jigsaw PSHE lessons providing many development opportunities, helping children to know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in the world. Art Banksy- Graffiti and stencilling Homework 20 minutes of reading each night accompanied by parent signature in Home-Link Book, daily spelling practise, English and Maths homework given out on a Friday and due back the following Friday.

8 Home learning Home learning will be given out on Friday.
It is then due back in by the following Friday. It will generally consist of one piece of English, Mathematics and SPAG. Home learning tasks will be explained in class and details will be written in the homework diary. Spelling test weekly, every Friday.

9 SATs Tests English: Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation test. Writing is teacher assessed. Mathematics: There are three papers: Paper 1 is an arithmetic test lasting 30 minutes. Paper 2 and 3 are reasoning, 40 minutes each. Science: Last year we had a sample group of children who sat a science test. This year all children will sit a science test.

10 Reading record book Each pupil will be issued with a reading record book This is to encourage organisational skills, promote independence and support transition to high school, to support reading at home and be used as a means of communication between parent/guardian and teacher. Each class visits the school library once a week, where they can exchange books. These can also be used as their home reading books. Children should be recording their reading in their reading record book daily and parents should be signing and overseeing what is being recorded.

11 PGL residential

12 Co-operation Ambition Resilience Respect
Weald Rise Primary Thank you for coming. We hope you have found the meeting interesting and informative. Co-operation Ambition Resilience Respect

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