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Scientific Notation.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Notation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Notation

2 What is Scientific Notation?
A way to express either very large or very small numbers

3 Scientific Notation Each number represented in scientific notation has 3 parts: The coefficient must be greater than 1 or less than 10 The exponent can be positive or negative Write down the 3 parts

4 Scientific Notation Circle the numbers that are in scientific notation. 14.5x x x x x100 Ask about the zero

5 Scientific Notation

6 Converting from Standard form to Scientific Notation
Standard Form Scientific Notation (original number is less than 1) _____________ 22,598.7 (original number is greater than 10) ______________ _______________ 4.7 x 10-3 x 104 5.95 x 102

7 Converting from Scientific Notation to Standard Form
A positive exponent means the number is very big Move the decimal to the right A negative exponent means the number is very small Move the decimal to the left

8 Converting from Scientific Notation to Standard Form
Draw in the loops to indicate how many zeros you need to add

9 Converting from Scientific Notation to Standard Form
Scientific Notation Standard Form 3.772x104 (exponent is positive) _____________ 9.8x10-3 (exponent is negative) _____________ x106 ______________ 37,720 .0098 5,360,420

10 Performing Calculations in Scientific Notation
***use the “ee” button on your calculator Example: (3.4x106)(8.792x109) = 2.99x1016 In your calculator, enter “3.4 2nd ee 6 X nd ee 9 enter”

11 Practice Calculations
(5.44x10-3)(6.669x108) = or x 106 (1.72x1016)(3.99x10-5) = or 8.46x107 (8.116x103)

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