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Scientific Notation.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Notation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Notation

2 Allows a very large or small number to be expressed as a smaller number x power of 10.

3 Scientific notation for a large number.
Example: 125 Move the decimal so that there is one number to the left of the decimal. Multiply by the power of 10 the number of spaces moved. 1.25 x 102

4 Example: 1700 Move the decimal. 1700 1.7 Multiply by power of 10.
Multiply by power of 10. 1.7 x 103

5 Scientific Notation for a very small number
Ex: Move the decimal so that there is only one number to the left of it. 2. Multiply by a negative power of 10 for the number of places moved. 5.8 X 10-4

6 Example: 7.4 x 10-5

7 Practice problems (do in your comp book)
Convert the following numbers to scientific notation. 56400 6,300,000 98224 0.0068 (4 zeros) (9 zeros)

8 Convert from scientific notation to an ordinary number.
Ex: 5.73 x 103 For positive powers of 10, move the decimal to the right that many places Notice that you have to add a zero to get the right number of spaces.

9 Ex: 8.32 x 10-2 Move the decimal to the left when the exponent is negative

10 Practice problems Convert the follow numbers into ordinary numbers.
x 102 4.2 x 104 8.930 x 106 2.66 x 10-2 9.200 x 10-5 6.7 x 10-1

11 Multiplying in scientific notation
Ex: 5.0 x 105 x 7.0 x 104 Multiply the numbers and add the exponents. 5.0 x 7.0 = = x 109

12 To divide in scientific notation.
Ex: 6.0 x 102/ 2.0 x 103 Divide the number and subtract the exponent 6.0/2.0 = = x 10-1

13 Practice Problems 5.8 x 102 x 4.5 x 104 7.33 x 106 x 8.6 x 105

14 Homework p 148:1, 2, 3, 5,6, 8

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