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Democracy is…...

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1 Democracy is…..

2 Political Cartoon #1 Title: democracy
Artist: Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung, Austria Date: February 2, 2005

3 Characteristics of democracy
List 6 characteristics of democracy.

4 Characteristics of Democracy
Majority rule Govt. by and for the people Everyone equal under the law DEMOCRACY Elected representatives carry out the people’s will Rights of the individual protected Freedom

5 Democracy is …. a system of government in which the people rule either directly or through elected representatives

6 Direct (Pure) Democracy
A form of democracy in which the people as a whole make direct decisions, rather than having those decisions made for them by elected representatives Referendum Recall

7 What problems can arise from a direct democracy system?

8 Representative Democracy
Reasons it was preferred by Founders: 1. Government would mediate, not mirror popular views. 2. People viewed as capricious. 3. Competitive elections would minimize abuse of power.

9 The question with representative democracy becomes: Who governs
The question with representative democracy becomes: Who governs? How much power should “they” have? Power: the ability of one person to cause another to act in accordance with his/her intentions. Authority: right to use power, not all who have political power have the authority to do so. Legitimacy: What makes a law or constitution a source of right.

10 How is power distributed in the America system?
Majoritarian Politics vs. Elitism Majoritarian- leaders constrained to follow wishes of the people. Vs. Elitism- rule is by people who possess a disproportionate share of power. 4 Theories of Elitist view.

11 Elitist Power Theories
Marxist theory: (Marx) government is a reflection of the means of production, government controlled by the dominant class (capitalists.) Power Elite Theory: (C. Wright Mills) power elite composed of key corporate, military, media, labor union, and political leaders control and are served by the government

12 Elite Power Theories Bureaucratic View- (Max Weber) power is in the hands of appointed officials who exercise power when deciding how public laws are enforced or enacted. Pluralist- no single elite has monopoly on power, all elites bargain and compromise.

13 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
Brainstorm five basic founding ideas

14 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
I: Popular Consent (popular sovereignty) government derives its power from the consent of the people

15 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
II: Respect for the Individual each person has the right to reach their own potential all entitled to “certain unalienable rights”

16 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
III: Equality of Opportunity “all men are created equal” What kinds of equality should the government guarantee? Political? Economic? Social?

17 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
IV: Personal Liberty “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” self-determination

18 American Democracy: Basic Ideals & Principles
V: Rule of Law “a government of laws and not of men” safeguard of liberty

19 So, just how democratic are we?

20 Artist: Stephane Peray, Thailand Date: August 10, 2005

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