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Quantifying Dark Energy using Cosmic Shear
Thank introducer. Thank everyone for coming. Sarah Bridle University College London
UCL Astrophysics Group Cosmologists
Ofer Lahav Ole Host Cris Sabiu Tomek Kacprzak Barney Rowe Michael Hirsch Sarah Bridle Stephanie Jouvel Fotini Economou Adam Hawken Emily Hall Lisa Voigt Joe Zuntz Jason McEwen Filipe Abdalla Emma Chapman Maayane Sougmanac Laura Wolz Boris Leistedt Stephen Feeney Hiranya Peiris
Statistical Cosmology from Surveys
Filipe Abdalla Cosmology EoR Weak lensing Euclid DES SKA Sarah Bridle Cosmic Shear Galaxy shapes DES Dark energy Ofer Lahav Galaxy surveys MegaZ-LRG 2MRS Photo-z HST-MCT DES Euclid Hiranya Peiris Early Universe Planck Inflation Isotropy Non-Gaussianity 1,11 1 1,6,8 1,4,5 1,2,9,10, 12, 13 1,4 1,3,6 1,3,7 1,3 GR tests
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Concordance Model 75% Dark Energy 5% Baryonic Matter
20% Cold Dark Matter
Why is the Universe Accelerating?
Einstein’s cosmological constant A new fluid called Dark Energy Equation of state w = p/ General Relativity is wrong We live in an underdense region
The Future JDEM
Comparison of different methods
Galaxy clustering Supernovae Gravitational shear Quality of dark energy constraint Example for optical ground-based surveys Dark Energy Task Force report astro-ph/ Gravitational shear has the greatest potential Big uncertainty largely due to shear measurement techniques Maybe dark energy is the wrong model...
Seeing the Invisible: Is there something in between us and the wall and tree?
Just one Equation from General Relativity
Simulated Dark Matter Map
Shear Map
Results from the HST COSMOS Survey
The Largest ever Survey with HST
Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
The Visible The Invisible
Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology) Credit: NASA, ESA and R. Massey (California Institute of Technology)
In 3 Dimensions Pictures + videos from
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Comparison of different methods
Galaxy clustering Supernovae Gravitational shear Quality of dark energy constraint Example for optical ground-based surveys Dark Energy Task Force report astro-ph/ Gravitational shear has the greatest potential Big uncertainty largely due to shear measurement techniques Maybe dark energy is the wrong model...
Cosmic Shear: Potential systematics
Shear measurement Measurement Photometric redshifts Astrophysical Intrinsic alignments Accuracy of predictions Theoretical
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Typical galaxy used for cosmic shear analysis Typical star Used for finding Convolution kernel
Cosmic Shear gi~0.2 Real data: gi~0.03
Atmosphere and Telescope
Convolution with kernel Real data: Kernel size ~ Galaxy size
Pixelisation Sum light in each square
Real data: Pixel size ~ Kernel size /2
Noise Mostly Poisson. Some Gaussian and bad pixels.
Uncertainty on total light ~ 5 per cent
GREAT08 Data
GREAT08 Results in Detail
Bridle et al 2010
GREAT10 led by Tom Kitching
GREAT3 and beyond Galaxies with more complicated shapes
Kernel is more realistic Many overlapping objects in each image Correlated noise Poisson + Gaussian noise + bad pixels Cosmic rays, satellite tracks, saturated stars Multiple exposures Pixels not exactly square or on a grid Wavelength dependent kernel GREAT3 led by Barney Rowe and Rachel Mandelbaum
m3shape Shear Measurement Code
Tomek Kacprzak Barney Rowe Michael Hirsch Sarah Bridle Lisa Voigt Joe Zuntz Real-space forward modeller. Optimizer, MCMC, image & likelihood toolkits Multi-model: Bulge/Disc, PSF, weights, high-res Easily portable C
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
Cosmic shear (2 point function)
Lensing by dark matter causes galaxies to appear aligned
Cosmic shear Face-on view Gravitationally sheared Gravitationally sheared Lensing by dark matter causes galaxies to appear aligned
Intrinsic alignments (II)
Croft & Metzler 2000, Heavens et al 2000, Crittenden et al 2001, Catelan et al 2001, Mackey et al, Brown et al 2002, Jing 2002, Hui & Zhang 2002
Intrinsic alignments (II) Face-on view
Intrinsically Aligned (I) Intrinsically Aligned (I) Tidal stretching causes galaxies to align Adds to cosmic shear signal
Intrinsic-shear correlation (GI)
Hirata & Seljak 2004 See also Heymans et al 2006, Mandelbaum et al 2006, Hirata et al 2007
Intrinsic-shear correlation (GI) Face-on view
Gravitationally sheared (G) Intrinsically aligned (I) Galaxies point in opposite directions Partially cancels cosmic shear signal
Cosmic shear tomography
Cosmic shear tomography
Effect on cosmic shear of changing w by 1% Cosmic Shear Intrinsic
Alignments (IA) Don’t explain details of whether GI, II Normalised to Super-COSMOS Heymans et al 2004
Effect on cosmic shear of changing w by 1% Intrinsic Alignments (IA)
If consider only w then IA bias on w is ~10% If marginalise 6 cosmological parameters then IA bias on w is ~100% (+/- 1 !) Intrinsic Alignments (IA) Move along degeneracies -> 100% We have to consider intrinsic alignments, and remove them carefully
Removal of intrinsic alignments using the redshift dependence
Laszlo, Kirk, Bean, Bridle 2011
Use of shear-position correlations
Shear-shear correlations - Measure mostly dark matter Shear-position correlations - Measure mostly intrinsic alignments Position-position correlations - Traditional galaxy survey observable Joachimi & Bridle 2010
Use wrong Intrinsic Alignment model Kirk, Rassat, Host, Bridle, Voigt 2011 Marginalise 100 free Parameters in Intrinsic Alignment model
Quantifying Dark Energy Using Cosmic Shear
Introduction to Cosmic Shear Potential limitations Shear measurement Intrinsic alignments Dark Energy Survey
The Future JDEM
The Dark Energy Survey Future prospects
Cosmic microwave background radiation Distribution of dark matter at early times Distribution of galaxies Some clues to distribution of matter Galaxy velocities Galaxies fall towards dark matter clumps Gravitational lensing
The Dark Energy Survey Blanco 4-meter at CTIO
Survey project using 4 complementary techniques: I. Cluster Counts II. Weak Lensing III. Large-scale Structure IV. Supernovae • Two multiband surveys: 5000 deg2 grizY to 24th mag 30 deg2 repeat (SNe) • Build new 3 deg2 FOV camera and Data management system Survey (525 nights) Facility instrument for Blanco
The DES Collaboration Fermilab
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/NCSA University of Chicago Lawrence Berkeley National Lab NOAO/CTIO DES Spain Consortium DES United Kingdom Consortium University of Michigan Ohio State University University of Pennsylvania DES Brazil Consortium Argonne National Laboratory SLAC-Stanford-Santa Cruz Consortium Universitats-Sternwarte Munchen Texas A&M University plus Associate members at: Brookhaven National Lab, U. North Dakota, Paris, Taiwan Over 120 members plus students & postdocs Funding: DOE, NSF; UK: STFC, SRIF; Spain Ministry of Science, Brazil: FINEP, Ministry of Science, FAPERJ; Germany: Excellence Cluster; collaborating institutions 5858
The DES Collaboration (Oct 2010)
CCD Readout Filters Shutter Hexapod Corrector Lenses
Mechanical Interface of DECam Project to the Blanco CCD Readout Focal plane (detector) Filters Shutter Hexapod Corrector Lenses
Lenses to leave UCL shortly
DECam CCDs 62 2kx4k fully depleted CCDs: 520 Megapixels, 250 micron thick, 15 micron (0.27”) pixel size 12 2kx2k guide and focus chips Excellent red sensitivity Roughly twice the number of science-grade CCDs packaged and ready to install Developed by LBNL
DECam Image Simulations Series of Data Challenges to test Data Management System
Populate N-body sims w/ galaxies drawn from SDSS+evolution+shapes
DECam Image Simulations Series of Data Challenges to test Data Management System
the Science working groups analysed 200 square degrees of imaging data (DC5), currently working on the next round, with even more realistic data Note bright star artifacts, cosmic rays, cross talk, glowing edges, flatfield (“grind marks”, tape bumps), bad columns, 2 amplifiers/CCD.
DES Optics Requirements
Antonik, Bacon, Bridle, Doel et al in prep
Summary Cosmic shear the greatest potential of all for DE
Need better shape measurement methods Understanding of intrinsic alignments is vital Dark Energy Survey is nearing installation
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