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1 3 UNIT 3 3 3 3 3

2 SECTION A Where Principles Come First

3 OBJECTIVES 1. Talk about some educational concepts
2. To know and talk about Hyde School; 3. Key language points 4. Writing skill: examplification B3-Unit 3

4 Unforgettable Ideas School Motto

5 By the teachers’ standard, how can we be a good student
By the teachers’ standard, how can we be a good student? What did they say? Studying hard Helping others Listening to the teachers Not lying No talking in class Obeying to the rules Being top students No fighting Caring for the class

6 What is the best way to educate for success?
What we as a society see as success ? 1 . where we are 2 . what we teach 3 . how we teach it Indeed ,ideas about education and success are not even constant within a given place, and the demands of an ever-changing world require that we constantly evalute our education system and experiment with creative ways of educating for success

7 Warming-up I. Unforgettable Ideas Watch the movie clip and dictate some worthwhile sayings by Sister Clarence. Talk about some unforgettable ideas or sayings by your teachers in the middle school. Lead-in video clips

8 The Worthwhile Sayings
Warming-up The Worthwhile Sayings

9 Ideas or sayings from your own teachers ?
Warming-up Tips We’re gonna start with respect. You’re gonna respect me and I’m gonna respect you. You wanna go somewhere and you wanna be somebody you better wake up and pay attention, honey. If you don’t have an education you don’t have anything, and that’s the truth. Ideas or sayings from your own teachers ?

10 Education is not an end, but a means to end.

11 An educational system should be one in which the love of learning, rather than the acquisition of facts, is cultivated. 教育应该培养学生酷爱学习,而不仅仅是为了获取事实。

12 It is wrong to spoon-feed the students.

13 Education polishes good natures, and corrects bad ones.

14 Warming-up II. School Mottos (校训) Identify school mottos of some famous universities home and abroad. Then introduce your school motto.

15 Warming-up Peking University Tsinghua University

16 中山大学校训: 博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行
Extensive learning; question; careful reflection; clear discrimination; work perseveringly "自强不息厚德载物“ Self-Discipline And Social Commitment

17 Truth The Lord is My Light Harvard University University of Oxford
Warming-up Truth The Lord is My Light Harvard University University of Oxford

18 School Motto of Your University?
Warming-up Light and Truth Yale University School Motto of Your University?


20 About HYDE School

21 History Hyde School , founded by Joseph Gauld in the early 1960s , focused on student attitude, effort, and characters and not student achievement. Today, it is a network of public and boarding schools and programs known widely for its successful and unique approach to helping students develop character. Parental involvement is a key factor in why Hyde is known as one of the character-building schools in the world.

22 One sentence about Hyde School
While there are millions of dedicated and committed people in this world, Hyde faculty(全体)will go to the ends of the earth to help kids and families connect with their potentials… ONLY AT HYDE.

23 Attitude more than aptitude
Focus of Hyde Attitude more than aptitude Effort more than ability Character more than talent

24 Character-Based We believe every child is gifted with unique potential, and character development is the key to helping them discover it. We encourage character development and self-discovery by building into every school day time for students to reflect and act upon our Five Words and Five Principles.

25 Five Words Our Five Words are what we believe define character: Leadership - I am a leader through asking the best of myself and the best of others. Integrity - I am gifted with a unique potential and conscience as my guide to discovering it. Curiosity - I am responsible for my own learning. Courage - I learn the most by facing challenges and taking risks. Concern - I need a challenging and supportive community in which to develop my character.

26 Five Principles Our Five Principles guide the conduct of all the school's activity: Destiny - Each of us is gifted with a unique potential that defines a destiny. Humility - We trust in a power and purpose beyond ourselves. Conscience - We achieve our best through character and conscience. Truth - Truth is our primary guide. Brother's Keeper - We help others achieve their best.

27 One of Hyde's basic purposes: character development
Three questions to answer: 

28 1. Who am I? 2. Where am I going? 3. What do I need to do to get there?

29 I. Who Am I? One of Hyde’s basic purposes is to develop students’ character. This focus on character unleashes the deepest motivation in students’ self-discovery.

30 Celebrities’ self-discovery

31 Programs at Hyde Arts Program:
2-D Arts (Painting, Drawing, Printing, and Design) 3-D Arts (Ceramics, Sculpture, Artisan工匠Shop, and Fiber Arts) Media Arts (Photo, Graphic Design, and Video).

32 Athletic program All students participate in three sports, each year
Sports offered on the Bath campus include: football, cross-country running, soccer, farming(棒球), basketball, wrestling, cross-country skiing, track and field, and crew(划船运动).

33 Academic program Objectives of the academic component:
Help students define individual learning strengths and obstacles. Train students to use study skills and learning strategies that help them become resourceful learners. Promote a spirit of intellectual ownership. Intellectually challenge students.

34 Objectives of the character development component:
Promote a spirit of ethical awareness and ownership. Promote a spirit of community concern and integrity by practicing and upholding the 10 guiding principles. Encourage and guide students through the process of self-discovery. Teach the value of developing and applying a positive learning attitude and high level of effort

35 A Typical Weekday At Hyde School
7:30 AM—Breakfast 8:00 AM—Campus Jobs 8:30 AM—Academics Noon—Lunch 1:30 PM—Academics, Sports, or Discovery Groups 6:00 PM—Dinner 8:00 PM—Study Hall or Mandatory Fun

36 A Typical Saturday At Hyde School
7:30 AM—Breakfast 8:00 AM—Campus Jobs 9:00 AM—Performing Arts Noon—Lunch 1:30 PM—Sports 5:30 PM—Dinner 6:00 PM—Free time or movie trip

37 Sunday: Free. During the fall and spring, students take trips to shopping areas, movies, skate parks, etc. During the winter months, many trips are made to area ski mountains.

38 Family Education Program
Belief: parents are the primary teachers and the home is the primary classroom Character is inspired, not imparted. Site Vs. Context: influence the influencers. Activities: meetings, workshops, discussion groups, seminars

39 Effect of the education
"The thing that impressed me the most when I came to Hyde was that people valued effort over achievement because I was always somebody that needed people to push me." "Hyde gives me new ideas to try new things in my life. I was a pretty quiet person before. When I came here I was challenged to speak up in school meetings." "Hyde gave me and my parents the opportunity to communicate in a more productive way."

40 A New Approach in Education– the Hyde School

41 Summary and Thinking: What’s moral (quality) education? Is it applicable in present China?

42 2. How do you understand the following words?
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for the day. 授人以鱼,当日满足。 Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. 授人以渔,受益一生。 vs

43 encouraging students’ imagination, creativity…
Are you satisfied with the educational situation in China? What kind of improvements should be done? encouraging students’ imagination, creativity… improving the relationship between students and teachers spreading the idea of “quality teaching” giving students more freedom in the classroom teaching students the value of creative thinking

44 The End of Warming-up To Section A

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