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World War II Chronology and Visual History Assignment

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1 World War II Chronology and Visual History Assignment

2 Chronological Order On the next slide, you will see a number of events. Your job is to place the events in chronological order. You have 20 minutes to find the dates for the events (down to the day) and place them in order. You will be turning this in.

3 The Events V-J Day (end of fighting in Pacific) ends World War II
Bombing of Pearl Harbor D-Day Dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (1st bomb) Battle of Iwo Jima Liberation of the first concentration camp (done by Russians) Germans surrender at Stalingrad Nazis invade Poland, starting WWII Mussolini stripped of power in Italy Sighting of Japanese planes begins the Battle of Midway V-E Day signifies the end of the war in Europe Final Solution of the Jews settled and implemented

4 Creating History Now that you have those events in order, you need to do something with them. You will create a visual history of World War II You will select 7 of the 12 events. Next, you need to find information about each event and create a PowerPoint Slide 1: Event and picture that relates to that event Slide 2: Primary/Personal account of that event Slide 3: Sources of picture and account for the first two slides. For each picture and account, you will need to cite your source in Chicago Style Formatting. Just saying “Google” or the “textbook” is not good enough. You must include the full citation to the best of your abilities. Presentation and accuracy matter. If I can’t tell what your picture is, you will lose points. If your source or citations seem out of the ordinary, you will lose points. Also, make sure the picture and Personal Accounts are from the actual event. If it is not, you will lose all points for the battle.

5 Example I will now show you an example of what I want you to do.

6 German soldiers in the Ardennes forest.
Battle of the Bulge German soldiers in the Ardennes forest.

7 Personal Account We all laid there for about two hours until the column passed and then I beeped up and hollered "anyone able to go, let's go". About eight of us out of an approximate 150 men made the break. They opened up with a machine gun again from a tank on the cross road, and those that could run took off and the rest of us hit the ground and laid there until darkness and then got up and made our way back to our lines where I was picked up by a patrol and carried to a first aid station. The German troops involved in this shooting wore a black uniform with a flying eagle insignia on it. Lt. Robert Hopkins, 32

8 Source Picture: Personal Account:
Personal Account:

9 Due Date You will print out your PowerPoint with 6 slides on a page
You will turn this assignment in on April 28

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