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Chapter 6: Evolution and adpatation

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1 Chapter 6: Evolution and adpatation
Darwin’s finches

2 Heavy rains during El Nino events support lush plant growth in the archipelago.


4 What this does us? Finches do not survive or die at random
Because the average hardness of seeds increased as the drought intensified and the softest seeds were consumed  birds with larger beaks that could generate the forces needed to crack hard seeds survived better than those with smaller beaks The average beak size of surviving individuals and their progeny increased significantly What is necessary for such ‘evolution in action’?

5 Genetics review The phenotype is the outward expression of an individual's genotype Genotype: unique genetic constitution Phenotype: outward expression of that genotype A genotype = set of genetic instructions; blueprints Phenotype = the expression of that genotype in the form of an organism (is that enough? Are there external factors?) Effects of environmental influences are like details in a blueprint that are left to the discretion of the building contractor.. What does that mean?

6 More genetics All phenotypic traits have: Phenotypic plasticity
Genetic basis + influence by variations in the environment What kind of environmental variations? Phenotypic plasticity Capacity of an individual to exhibit different responses to its environment How the individual responds to environmetnal variation

7 Genetic variation (review, right?)
Alleles Different forms of a particular gene Heterozygous Two different alleles for a particular gene Homozygous Both copies of a gene are the same Dominant… Recessive… Gene pool All the alleles of the genes of every individual in a population

8 Sources of genetic variation
How does genetic variation arise? Mutation Any change in the sequence of the nucleotides that make up a gene or in regions of the DNA that control the expression of a gene Consequence? Drastic – maybe lethal – changes in the phenotype No detectable effect – silent mutations New phenotypes produced  better suited to the local environment  phenotypes increase Multiple effects  pleiotropy (effects of a single gene on multiple traits)

9 Genetic basis of continuously varying phenotypic traits
Many phenotypic traits with ecological relevance vary continuously over a range of values (eg: body size)

10 Adaptations result from natural selection on heritable variation in traits that effect evolutionary fitness The most important consequence of genetic variation for the study of ecology is evolution by natural selection Evolution Any change in a population’s gene pool (what is a gene pool?) Individuals whose traits enable them to have higher rates of reproduction have more offspring  alleles increase Adaptations or evolutionary adaptation Process = adaptation

11 Adaptation (process of evolution by natural selection)
Variation among individuals Eg – bird beaks; different individuals have different-sized beaks Inheritance of that variation Size of bird’s beak has an existence of its own in a population; individual is borrowing that trait Differences in survival and reproductive success (or fitness) related to that variation Fitness: production of descendants over an individual’s lifetime.

12 Evolutionary change Change in a California citrus pest
Cyanide fumigation no longer effective

13 Stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection
Stabilizing selection Individuals with intermediate (average) phenotypes have higher reproductive success Population moved towards an optimum point Maintains a single fittest phenotype When the environment of a population is relatively unchanging: dominant mode; little evolutionary change Directional Fittest individual have a more extreme phenotype; When new optimum reached – becomes stabilizing selection Disruptive Increase genetic and phenotypic variation within a population and in the extreme case creates a bimodal distribution of phenotypes; relatively uncommon; eg: individuals specializing on one of a small number of food resources; strong competition among individuals


15 Example of Disruptive selection

16 Selection and change in melanistic moths (peppered moths)
Dark form: more popular in forests near industrialized regions Industrial melanism

17 Criticism of Kettlewell’s research
Moths that were used for the mark – recapture experiments were reared in the lab This might have affected their behavior – eg – choice of resting locations Experimental moths released at unnaturally high densities – might have affected the behavior of predators So? But: with pollution control  forests became cleaner  frequencies of melanistic moths decreased (as predicted by evolutionary theory)


19 Population genetics and the prediction of evolutionary change
Study of the dynamics of natural selection and genetic change in populations Populations are continually engaged in dynamic evolutionary relationships with their environment that shape their ecological interactions (one) Goal of population genetics  to develop methods for predicting changes in gene frequencies in response to selection Why? Ability to predict them can tell us whether the genetic changes we observe are consistent with our understanding of evolution (check out the ‘more on the web’ links)

20 Population genetics and ecologists
every population harbors some genetic variation that influences fitness .. Potential for evolution exists in all populations Except? Changes in the environment will almost always be met by an evolutionary response that shifts the frequencies of genotypes within the population. (translate?) Magnitude of the evolutionary response depends on genetic variation present in the pop at a given time Rapid environmental changes brought about by the appearance of new adaptations in populations of enemies or by human-caused changes in the environment (eg?) can exceed the capacity of a population to respond by evolution So?

21 Individuals can respond to their environments and increase their fitness
Evolution: less fit individuals replaced by the progeny of more fit individuals in a population over time Individual himself/herself does not benefit from evolution. Explain? Still: individuals can undergo changes that help them cope with variation in their environment during their lifetime  phenotypic plasticity  capacity to respond to environmental variation How?

22 Cactus wren: adapted to the desert environment
Insectivorous bird that lives in deserts No source of drinking water  must not get too much heat from the environment In the desert: seeks favorable microhabitats Cool mornings: forage; Afternoon: finds cooler parts; shade

23 Temperature affects microhabitat use by cactus wrens

24 Orientation of cactus wren nest entrances changes over the breeding season Lengths of the bars represent relative number of nests with each orientation Behavioral flexibility of the cactus wren in choosing where to forage and how to orient its nest is a good example of the more general ability of the phenotype to respond to variation in the environment

25 Phenotypic plasticity allows individuals to adapt to environmental change
Reaction norm  observed relationship between the phenotype of an individual and the environment


27 Phenotypic plasticity allows individuals to adapt to environmental change
Some reaction norms are a simple consequence of the influence of the physical environment on life (heat energy  accelerates most life processes  certain caterpillars grow faster at higher temperatures … but individuals of the same butterfly species from MI and AL have different relationships between growth rate and temperature…)

28 Reaction norms of populations adapted to different environments may differ

29 Reaction norms may be modified by evolution
May diverge when two populations of the same species exist for long periods under different conditions…


31 acclimatization  a shfit in an individual’s range of physiological tolerances  generally useful in response to seasonal and other persistent changes in conditions  reversible But – increased tolerance of one extreme often brings reduced tolerance of another extreme

32 A species’ capacity for acclimatization may reflect the range of conditions in its environment

33 Irreversible developmental responses
Developmental responses  when conditions persist for long periods – env may influence individual development so as to modify the size or other attributes of the individual for long periods Striking example: the African grasshopper – changes color to match the color of their environment

34 Most grasshoppers complete their life cycle within a single season So in habitats where this color progression occurs – the pigment systems in the epidermis develop in such a way that the nymphs an adult grasshoppers match the background

35 Genotype – environment interaction
When the reaction norms of two genotypes cross for some aspect of performance, then individuals with each genotype perform better in one environment and worse in another environment (eg: swallowtail butterfly) This relationship  genetoype – environment interaction because each genotype responds differently to environmental variations How to identify them?  reciprocal transplant experiment


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