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Lisa Williams Leadership Coach + Consultant

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1 Lisa Williams Leadership Coach + Consultant
The DiSC Profile Lisa Williams Leadership Coach + Consultant 1

2 FACULTY DISCLOSURE Lisa Williams - None
The faculty reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouse/life partner have with commercial interests related to the content of this CE activity: Lisa Williams - None This slide is for internal use. Please do not alter.

3 Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will have an in-depth understanding of the 4 styles of DiSC - Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness- through the following: Identify their preferred styles through the DiSC assessment taken at the beginning of the workshop. Outline the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and preferred methods of communication for each of the 4 styles. Assess resources to reference as they continue to practice applying DiSC.

4 One-Word Self-Descriptor
June 30 to Ju1y 1, 2009 Exercise One-Word Self-Descriptor

5 The DiSC Profile 5

6 Emotional Intelligence
EI is the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing our emotions well in ourselves and our relationships {Daniel Goleman}

7 Emotional Intelligence {Goleman}
4 elements: Emotional Intelligence {Goleman}

8 The DiSC Profile

9 enhancing leadership capacity through self-awareness
Leading Yourself enhancing leadership capacity through self-awareness 9

10 What Is Your Style? Complete the DiSC Profile

11 The Four Quadrants D – Dominance, Control
How you respond to problems and challenges i – Influence, Contacts How you influence others to your point of view S – Steadiness, Consistency How you respond to the pace of the environment C – Conscientiousness, Compliance How you respond to rules/procedures set by others

12 Disc Tendencies Dominance Influence Conscientious Steadiness Decisive
Independence Results-oriented Straightforward Influence Enthusiastic Talkative Spontaneous Demonstrative Conscientious Orderly Persistent Detailed Serious Steadiness Warm/Friendly Supportive Cooperative Agreeable

13 Dominance

14 Dominance Direct Results-Oriented Inquisitive Daring Domineering
Forceful Innovative Blunt Decisive Competitive Strong-Willed Bold Results-Oriented Domineering Aggressive Strong Ego Strength Goal-Oriented Problem Solver Quick Challenge-Oriented Persistent Inquisitive Demanding Authoritative Adventuresome Responsible Risk Taker Power Self-Starter

15 Influence

16 Influence Enthusiastic Persuasive Emotional Trusting Affable Generous
Charming Popular Gregarious Influential Confident Open-Minded Persuasive Affable Convincing Inspiring Impulsive Sociable Effusive Talkative Emotional Generous Personable Optimistic Self-Promoting Poised Good Mixer

17 Steadiness

18 Steadiness Passive Mild Sincere Possessive Inactive Team Player
Amiable Steady Predictable Relaxed Understanding Mild Inactive Friendly Systematic Serene Deliberate Good Listener Sincere Team Player Patient Complacent Stable

19 Conscientious

20 Conscientious Perfectionist Fact-finder Systematic Courteous
Mature Accurate Conscientious Evasive Fact-finder Restrained Precise Diplomatic High Standards Patient Systematic Analytical Methodical Conventional Sensitive Exacting

21 Behavioral Insights HRDOD004, Rev.0

22 C D S Behavioral Insights I introverted extroverted active passive
HRDOD004, Rev.0

23 task/thinking antagonistic
Behavioral Insights task/thinking antagonistic C D S I people/relations favorable HRDOD004, Rev.0

24 i S C D Behavioral Insights
Perceives Self as More Powerful than Environment i S C D Perceives Environment as Favorable Perceives Environment as Unfavorable Perceives Self as Less Powerful than Environment All people exhibit all four styles in varying degrees! HRDOD004, Rev.0

25 Two Sides of the Coin How do your strengths contribute to your success as a leader or team member? How does the overuse of your strengths become a weakness or liability?

26 Areas to Work On If You Are:
High D listening releasing control patience flexibility concern for people explaining why showing warmth being supportive High I be less impulsive results details and facts control actions and emotions slow the pace more listening follow through High S be more direct task orientation be less sensitive face confrontation be decisive initiate more say no more often High C quick response doing right things trust intuition do without all the facts take more risks develop relationships be more flexible and open look ahead HRDOD004, Rev.0

27 enhancing communication, leadership and influence with DiSC
Leading Others enhancing communication, leadership and influence with DiSC 27

28 Dominance

29 Value of the D to the Team
Self-starter Forward looking Places high value on time Challenge-oriented Tenacious Competitive Initiates activity Challenges the status quo Innovative

30 Ideal Environment for the D
Freedom from controls, supervision and details Evaluation based on results, not process or method An innovative and futuristic oriented environment Non-routine work with challenge and opportunity A forum to express ideas and viewpoints

31 Communicating with the D
DO: DO NOT: Be clear and to the point Ramble on or waste time Stick to business Try to build personal relationships or chit chat Come prepared with all requirements, objectives and support material in a well-organized package Forget or lose things, be unprepared, disorganized or messy Present facts logically: plan presentation efficiently Leave loopholes or cloudy issues if you don’t want to be zapped Ask specific questions (what) Ask rhetorical or useless questions Provide alternatives and choices for making their own decisions Come with the decision made or make it for them If you disagree, take issues with the facts Take issues with the person

32 Influence

33 Value of the I to the Team
Optimism and enthusiasm Creative problem solving Motivates others toward goals Positive sense of humor Team player Negotiates conflict Verbalizes with articulateness

34 Ideal Environment for the I
Assignments with a high degree of people contacts Tasks involving motivating groups and establishing a network of contacts Democratic supervisor with whom they can associate Freedom from control and detail Freedom of movement Multi-changing work tasks

35 Communicating with the I
DO: DO NOT: Plan interaction that supports their dreams and intentions Legislate or muffle Allow time for relating and socializing Be curt, cold or tight-lipped Focus on people and action items, put details in writing Leave decisions up in the air Ask for their opinion Be impersonal or task oriented Provide ideas for implementing action Waste time “dreaming” Use enough time to be stimulating, fun, fast-moving Cut the meeting short or be too business-like Provide testimonials from people they see as important or prominent Talk down to them Offer special, immediate and extra incentives for their willingness to take risks Take too much time to get to action items

36 Steadiness

37 Value of the S to the Team
Dependable team worker Work harder for a leader and a cause Great listener Patient and empathetic Good at reconciling differences, calming and stabilizing Logical and step-wise thinker Will finish tasks started Loyal, long-term relationships

38 Ideal Environment for the S
Jobs for which standards and methods are established Environment where long standing relationships can be developed Personal attention and recognition for tasks completed and well done Stable and predictable environment Environment that allows time for change Environment where people can be dealt with on a personal, intimate basis

39 Communicating with the S
DO: DO NOT: Break the ice with personal comments Rush headlong into business or the agenda Show sincere interest in them as people Stick coldly or harshly to business Patiently draw out their personal goals and ideas. Listen and be responsive Force a quick response to your objectives Present your case logically, softly, non-threateningly Threaten with positional power, or be demanding Ask specific questions (how) Interrupt as they speak Move casually, informally Be abrupt and rapid If the situation impacts them personally, look for hurt feelings Mistake their willingness to go along for satisfaction If a decision is required of them, allow them time to think Force a quick decision

40 Conscientious

41 Value of the C to the Team
Objective thinker Maintains high standards Defines, clarifies, gets information, criticizes and tests Task-oriented Asks the right questions Diplomatic Pays attention to small details

42 Ideal Environment for the C
Where critical thinking is needed and rewarded Assignments can be followed through to completion Technical, task-oriented work, specialized area Noise and people are at a minimum Close relationship with small group of people Where quality and/or standards are important

43 Communicating with the C
DO: DO NOT: Prepare your case in advance Be disorganized Approach them in a straightforward, direct manner Be casual, informal or personal Use a thoughtful approach; build credibility by looking at all sides of the issue Force a quick decision Present specifics and do what you say you can do Be vague about expectations or fail to follow-through Draft an “action plan” with scheduled dates and milestones Over-promise results Take your time, but be persistent Be abrupt and rapid Support disagreements with facts or testimonials from respected people Appeal to opinion or feelings as evidence

44 Group Exercise

45 Keys to Success Understand your behavioral style
Be able to identify, understand and appreciate different behavioral styles Recognize we need all behavioral styles Know how to adapt your style in any environment to: Be a more effective communicator Gain commitment and cooperation Build effective teams Resolve and prevent/minimize conflict Gain endorsement

46 859.388.0858
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