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Vocabulary Clicker Unit 2: World Religions.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Clicker Unit 2: World Religions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Clicker Unit 2: World Religions

2 1. Which text contains sacred writings of Islam?
5 Bible Torah Qu’ran Vedas 10

3 2. Which statement best explains a theocracy?
5 Government led by religious doctrine Religious belief in many gods Religious belief in one god Government led by one ruler 10

4 3. Which term is the belief that the soul, after death, comes back in a new body or form?
5 Karma Dharma Reincarnation Nirvana 10

5 4. What term describes the social divisions in Hindu society, with each group having its own privileges and limitations? 5 Jihad Caste Nirvana Dharma 10

6 5. Which statement BEST describes the Vedas?
5 Holy text of Judaism. Another name for the Old Testament Sacred text of Hinduism Laws of a Hindu theocracy 10

7 6. Which example is related to the term exodus?
5 John baptizing Jesus to free him of sin Mohammad leaving Mecca and traveling to Medina Siddhartha meditating to free himself of worldly desires Moses leading his people out of Egypt 10

8 7. Which term describes the goal of Hindus – to become one with Brahman.
5 Karma Dharma Moksha Nirvana 10

9 8. Judaism was unique because it was one of the only religions in Mesopotamia that believed in one god. What is this belief called? 5 Monotheism Polytheism Theocracy Jihad 10

10 9. The __, the holy book of Judaism, contains the first 5 books of the Christian Bible.
5 Qu’ran Torah Messiah Vedas 10

11 10. According to Judaism, Yahweh (God) made a covenant with his chosen people. What does covenant mean? 5 Bond Threat Home Promise 10

12 11. A pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam. What term describes this pillar? 5 Jihad Ramadan Kaaba Hajj 10

13 12. What best describes a struggle in the way of Allah (God)?
5 Jihad Hajj Messiah Hijrah 10

14 13. Christians believe that Jesus was a savior sent by God
13. Christians believe that Jesus was a savior sent by God. What term BEST describes Jesus? 5 Salvation Nirvana Priest Messiah 10

15 14. The Ancient Greeks believed that Aphrodite was the goddess of love and Ares was the god of war. Which term bests describes the Greeks? 5 Monotheistic Polytheistic Theocracy Anarchy 10

16 15. What term best describes the Hindu belief that the way you live will affect your next life?
5 Karma Nirvana Reincarnation Allah 10

17 16. Which stem means government?
5 cracy ism poly theo 10

18 17. Which stem means many? 5 Poly Mono Theo Ism 10

19 18. What stem means one? 5 Poly Archy Hemi Mono 10

20 19. Which stem means god? 5 poly theo mono ism 10

21 20. Which stem means belief of?
5 cracy ism poly theo 10

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