Insomnia And Health Problems

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Presentation on theme: "Insomnia And Health Problems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insomnia And Health Problems
By: Ushna Sohail Abbasi

2 Outline Topic and Research Question Rationale Methodology 3 Issues
Findings Conclusion

3 Topic and Research Question
Topic: What is Insomnia and its effect on health. Are you fighting with health issues and do not know the reason of what causes them? Nowadays, health problems such as cardiovascular attacks, diabetes and high blood pressure are very common and majority are still wondering why this is happening to them. Sleep, which is not taken under consideration, is what can prevent these health problems. Insomnia is the one of the reasons and we should know what causes them, the side effects and the treatment.

4 Rationale Media is emphasizing on insomnia currently through television, magazines and also on websites. Once in a lifetime a person has suffered insomnia. It is personal and the causes can be acute or severe depending on which stage the person is suffering from without any age limit.

5 Methodology Books: Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation and Understanding Sleeplessness: Perspectives on Insomnia Journal Article Websites

6 Issues What is Insomnia and what causes it?
What are the side effects of insomnia? How to treat insomnia?

7 What is Insomnia and the Causes?
Insomnia is disturbed sleep cycle or sleeplessness at night. The person spend nights without sleeping properly no matter how hard one tries or the person keeps sleeping for hours continuously without the desire of getting up. Insomnia has been categorized in three main types: -Transient: This targets to those who suffer for less than a week - Acute: This lasts for less than a month - Chronic: More than a month

8 Continued… The cause for insomnia can easily be found because it relies on internal/mental and external/physical factors. Internal: include stress, depression, anxiety, or mental shock (psychological factors) and medications External: can be called as habits such as the number of intake of caffeine and alcohol, frequent naps during the daytime, smoking before doing to bed and environmental changes. Technology is also playing a negative role.

9 What are the effects? Cardiovascular diseases: heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure Morality Low immunity Mood Changes Deaths: Accidents Low memory Diabetes Weight gain Cancer Low focusing power: decisions, calculations Urinary infections: Nighttime urination

10 Treatment Visit doctor: Prescribed medicines (do not include sleeping pills) Exercising: Yoga and breathing sessions Techniques: - Get up when one is feeling sleepy because it produces anxiety - Remove the clock from the sight - Use bedroom for sleeping.

11 Conclusion Insomnia is increasing rapidly and we should understand and cure it. The effects it bring into our life gradually get severe therefore visit doctor before it is too late.


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