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Nahrin Eat well, feel well..

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1 Nahrin Eat well, feel well.

2 ECHINACINA DROPS Food Supplement Drops with Echinacea and Vitamin C

3 General Product Information - ECHINACINA DROPS
In the cold season of the year people move less in the fresh air and spend more time in badly aired rooms the virus that would immediately die in the fresh air can spread out particularly fast Wet and cold weather reduces the defense force The lack of light is negative for the mood negative effect on the immune system  This is why virus and bacteria spread out mainly in fall and winter time

4 General Product Information - ECHINACINA DROPS
Nahrin offers already since 1998 Echinacina syrup an excellent, proven remedy to strengthen the immune system New developed Echinacina drops: for persons that are often travelling or that do not like liquid food supplements the drops are ideal to take along and to take in between

Dextrose (grape sugar) Fruit powder (black current, black berry, maltodextrine) Vitamin C Echinacea extract 1% Honey powder Separating agent magnesium stearate

6 Active Ingredient – Echinacea Extract
History of the healing plant Remedy of the North American Indians, particularly of the Indians of Nebraska and Missouri this knowledge was brought to Europe at the end of the 19th century At the beginning of the 20th century became the best healing plant sold in the United States In the years 30 popularity increases in Europe, particularly in Germany Still today best sold healing plant in the States with a market share of 10% of herbal remedies

7 Active Ingredient – Echinacea Extract
Botanic information Popular name: Mexican sun hat, red rudbekie Echinacea comes from the Greek word "echinos" = hedgehog It belongs to the family of the asteracea 9 different types are known: we use the "echinacea purpurea" Flowering time from June to October Used parts: fresh roots, flowering herb Main active ingredient: Echinacine The harvesting time is very important for the quality of the pressed juice

8 Active Ingredient – Echinacea Extract
Facts on the healing plant There is no other plant on which so many studies have been written Numerous scientific proofs exist for its effectiveness Echinacea is recognized as plant that strengthens the immune system

9 Active Ingredient – Echinacea Extract
Scientific knowledge on echinacea A so-called immune modulator has an influence on various cells, that are important for the defense system Activation of protection mechanisms against damaging external substances like virus, bacteria etc. Effect of echinacea (echinacin) within the immune system Activates the granulocytosis (calls for the killing cells) + 30%

10 Active Ingredient – Echinacea Extract
Scientific knowledge on echinacea Speeds up the chemo taxis (migration of the killer cells to the area of infection) Increases the phagocytosis (capturing of the aggressor, followed by killing him) + 40 % Increases the activity of the macrophages (defense cells) % Fights the appearance of free radicals

11 Active Ingredient – Black Current
Also called Cassis (lat. Denomination: Ribes nigrum L.) Bush type plant, growing mainly in Middle and Eastern Europe but also in Asian countries High content of vitamins and minerals and also flavonoids that possibly show a tumor inhibiting effect Extremely rich in vitamin C

12 Active Ingredient – Black Current
Contain the so-called anthocyans responsible for their dark color responsible to reduce the formation of free radicals in the human body Contain gamma-linoleic acid important f.ex. for the metabolism of hormones Have a diuretic effect Help to fight bladder problems, diarrhea, colds, throat inflammations, lack of vitamin C, migraine and they improve the metabolism in general

13 Active Ingredient – Black Berry
Lat denomination: Rubus fruticosus Rich in vitamins and minerals, f.ex. calcium and vitamin C Rich in fibers important for a good digestion and for the feeling of repletion Contain a big amount of flavonoids (blue color) and have an immune-stimulating effect The active ingredients of the black berries strengthen the connective tissue and the vessels

14 Active Ingredient – Black Berry
The dried leaves are rich in tannins therefore useful to treat light illnesses of the intestines or when suffering from an inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth and throat Astringent, blood cleansing, hemostatic, diuretic, expectorant, tonifying Help to fight stomach-intestinal catarrh, eczema, diabetes, fever and hoarseness and stimulate blood regeneration

15 Active Ingredient – Vitamin C
As antioxidant As important substance in the metabolism As disposer of harmful substances

16 Active Ingredient – Honey Powder
Calming effect for the throat Reduces throat pains Pleasant taste Very rich in vitamins (mainly the vitamin B group) as well as in minerals and oligoelements

17 Application 3 times per day chew or suck 1 drop Effectiveness
At the recommended daily dose of 3 drops, 90 drops last for 30 days

18 USPs Increase of the defense force (virucide ingredient and does not allow the virus to penetrate the cells); this fights f.ex. herpes virus Slightly antibiotic effect Ideal by all types of inflammations Supports the treatment of illnesses (infects), particularly against whooping cough, bronchitis and sinusitis Helps to kill pathogens (if the phagocytosis is in disorder, i.e. by taking antibiotics and other medicine, with alcoholism, with high performance athletes, or performance oriented people in general, stress etc.)

19 USPs Speeds up the chemo taxis (migration of the granulocytes to the damaged tissue); granulocytes = antibody Activates the macrophages (defense cells to fight / destroy pathogen cells) Particularly suitable before and during the flue period (rich in vitamin C) Further advantages: The dextrose contained provides fast energy Ideal to take along

20 Target Group People with a reduced strength, that should not become sick Stressed people (who have a reduced immune system) People that suffer chronic illnesses School kids, students before exams Sports people Regarding the intake of the drops: Particularly kids and young people and who don’t like liquid (syrup type) food supplements Grown-ups when travelling


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