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Hope you’re well, Dear Taylor,

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2 Hope you’re well, Dear Taylor,
How have you been? I’m missing you dearly right now. Since I have last written to you John and I have had 2 children, Eric and James. Eric is older by 2 years. Because of the Yukon Gold Rush recently the demand for lumber has been very high, giving John more work but with that less time at home. But it brings in the money we need. 2 years ago during the gold rush a new Territory was introduced into Canada, the Yukon Territory. The economy in Canada is doing well in the aftermath of the Gold Rush, there are steady jobs available and lots of new housing. Maybe some of your children would like to move here in an attempt to get a good job. There are lots of places open in Mining and lumber because of the high demand. Hope you’re well, Alexa May 1st 1900 1810 Bayham Street London England


4 Dear Taylor, It’s been a while since we’ve talked
Dear Taylor, It’s been a while since we’ve talked. Both of my sons have decided to follow their fathers life decisions and go into the lumber industry. I hope they keep themselves safe. The Prime Minister here, Wilfred Laurier has been re-elected 3 times since he first came into office. He has helped the Canadian economy greatly and I do hope he wins the election in Have you heard about the flying machine? The first successful attempt at flight, here in Canada! I think it’s a bit absurd but maybe one day it will be something more useful. Life here is great. I’m getting older, so it’s odd seeing all these changes. Cars here are getting more common so that’s an odd change. It’s because there are lots of developed roads and jobs available to pay for them. We don’t plan on purchasing a car because they’re still too expensive for us. Perhaps one day but not anytime soon. Missing you, Alexa October 7th 1909 1810 Bayham Street London England


6 Dear Taylor, Since I’ve last written Will has come to visit, he is doing well and so is his family. Recently there’s been a lot of new foods available here because of the refrigerated train cars. The food isn’t fresh though, it’s processed, but I’m guessing you already have that back home. Recently our Prime Minister passed a bill that makes Canada dependant on the British Royal Navy for our maritime defence. Personally I see no true problem with it, but some see it as a risk. People are afraid that we as Canada will be dragged into every British war, but I believe that the Canadians owe it to our home country because without Britain this country would’ve gone no where. I heard that King Edward VII passed away and was replaced with George V. Hopefully that isn’t affecting you greatly. I hope you’re doing well, getting older is taking a toll on me but I can still live the same. Write back soon, Alexa July 22nd 1910 1810 Bayham Street London England


8 Dear Taylor, How have you been
Dear Taylor, How have you been? Since I have last written to you some not so great things have happened here. A few months ago my husband, John, passed away from what the doctor believes was apoplexy. I’m now living with my oldest son, Eric. I am coping well though. Over this past year so much has happened. Telephones are so common here now, I’m sure you’re seeing that back home too. In this year as well Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier has been voted out of office! After 15 years, I guess it was time for a change. The new Prime Minister is Robert Borden. Laurier lost a lot of his followers when he put the Naval Service Bill in place. Is there anything exciting back in London? I heard that they’ve installed the first electric escalator in England there, at the Earl’s Court Tube Station, very close to home, how exciting! I will write back soon, but I often forget to these days. Hopefully aging isn’t getting to you as it is to me. I hope you’re well, Alexa November 28th 1911 1810 Bayham Street London England

9 Citations List of British monarchs. (2017, June 12). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from 1911 in Canada. (2017, June 09). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Naval Service Bill. (2017, January 23). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Bélanger, R. (n.d.). Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from Cranny, M., Jarvis, G., Moles, G., & Seney, B. (2009). Horizons: Canada's Emerging Identity . Don Mills, Ontario: Susan Cox.

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