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By Rashaundra Foston, Jacob Reader, and Emma Best

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1 By Rashaundra Foston, Jacob Reader, and Emma Best
Puppetry By Rashaundra Foston, Jacob Reader, and Emma Best

2 History Puppetry is an ancient form of artistic expression that is a variation on storytelling or human theatrical productions. In puppetry, a story is told that is acted out by puppets, small doll like figures that are controlled by a puppeteer. Some historians argue that puppets in theatre were used before actors The earliest puppets probably originated in Egypt, where ivory and clay articulated puppets have been discovered in tombs. Also, puppetry was a large part of medieval Italian theatre. Jacob Reader

3 History: pt. 2 Cultural variations of puppetry developed independently in many parts of the world, with distinctive types still carried on today in Japan, China, Germany, Indonesia, and the United States, among other places. Some specific puppets became international icons in the age of television, including Howdy Doody, Lamp Chop, and Jim Henson’s Muppets Jacob Reader

4 Characteristics of Performance
There are 4 different types of puppets commonly used. Marionettes are typically carved of wood and are controlled by strings connected to a bar. Hand Puppets are fabric. They are put over the hand and a commonly used for education and therapy. Rod Puppets are larger puppets easier to see that are manipulated by a rod through it’s center. Shadow Puppets are flat, colored transparent figures moved by rods from behind a backlighted screen. Audiences see their movement and silhouettes. Emma Best


6 Characteristics of Performance
Continued In the 18th century, Puppetry was a vital aspect of Italian theatre including marionette theatre. The rod puppet was mainly of lower-class origin The marionette theatre was popular in aristocratic circles, as a celebration of the Age of Enlightenment. Emma Best

7 Physical Theatre Spaces
Emma Best Physical Theatre Spaces Puppetry was performed in many physical spaces, according to location. In Italy, puppets were used in morality plays in churches. In England, sometimes puppets were used in plays by Shakespeare in place of actors in their theaters. Many puppet shows are performed on small puppet stages, with a curtain for the people to stand behind, and the puppets to perform.

8 Important People Jim Henson- He was best known for creating characters for tv shows, He help with the muppet show and sesame street Frank Oz- Iconic characters such as Yoda, Miss piggy, Fozzie bear and Animal John Tartaglia - He was important because he did Elmo loves you, Elmo saves christmas and more Rashaundra Foston

9 Notable titles Sesame street(Since 1969)- A popular children's television show that uses mostly puppets. Taught children vocabulary and life lessons. The muppet show ( )- created by Joan ganz,Lloyd Morrisett. The muppet show was important because it entertained the children it show them how to solve problems and make good choices. Fraggle Rock ( created by Jim Henson it was related to sesame street it showed kids the different personalities of the characters it made the kids laugh and have a fun time watching their favorite tv show rashuandra.

10 Bibliography Bio. Accessed 18 Nov. 2016.
"Famous Puppeteers." Bio, Accessed 17 Nov "History of Puppetry." Theater Seat, Accessed 16 Nov. 2016. "History of Puppets and Puppet Theater." Theater Seat Store, history-of-puppetry. Accessed 18 Nov "Puppetry." Wikipedia, Accessed 16 Nov "Puppets: Art and Amusement." The Art of Puppetry, Accessed 16 Nov "Puppet Stage." search?q=Puppetry+stages&safe=active&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS719&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch &sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY_u3d77LQAhXmgFQKHTCTA2sQ_AUIBigB#safe=active&tbm=isch&q=historical+Puppet+stages&i mgrc=enoalyWN47Kn0M%3A. Accessed 18 Nov "Simple Puppet Stage." search?q=Puppetry+stages&safe=active&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS719&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch &sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjY_u3d77LQAhXmgFQKHTCTA2sQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=zQRiV_H_FoxJIM%3A. Accessed 18 Nov.

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