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3/16: Creative Writing WP: Grab the closest book. Go to page 29. Write down 10 words that catch your eye. Use at least 7 of the words in a poem. Read.

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Presentation on theme: "3/16: Creative Writing WP: Grab the closest book. Go to page 29. Write down 10 words that catch your eye. Use at least 7 of the words in a poem. Read."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/16: Creative Writing WP: Grab the closest book. Go to page 29. Write down 10 words that catch your eye. Use at least 7 of the words in a poem. Read and peer review metaphor poems

2 3/17: Happy St. Pat’s Day! WP: Write a limerick or two The origin of the limerick is unknown, but it has been suggested that the name derives from the chorus of an 18th-century Irish soldiers’ song, “Will You Come Up to Limerick?” To this were added impromptu verses crowded with improbable incident and subtle innuendo. A limerick is a popular form of short, humorous verse that is usually nonsensical and often vulgar, consisting of a five-line poem in which the first two lines rhyme and the third and fourth lines rhyme, and the fifth line rhymes with the first (aabba).

3 Examples There was an Old Man who supposed That the street door was partially closed; But some very large rats Ate his coats and his hats, While that futile Old Gentleman dozed. My name is John Wellington Wells, I’m a dealer in magic and spells, In blessings and curses, And ever-fill’d purses, In prophecies, witches, and knells.

4 3/20: Creative Writing WP: Make a list of ten images of things you have seen in the last 24 hours (be descriptive) Share limericks OK, seriously, we’ve got to finish the poetry notes today!

5 3/21: Creative Writing WP: Write a poem that begins with something someone said to you today or yesterday. See if you can use that line two or three times Finish notes on Sound Devices Assignment: “The Great Lover”

6 3/22: Creative Writing List of things you love—be specific
Imagery worksheet Work on “Great Lover” poem

7 3/23: Creative Writing WP: Describe a dream that you remember . Use as much detail as possible. Imagery/sensory language handout Dream Poem assignment

8 3/27: Today in Creative Writing
Writing Prompt: Brainstorm 10 or more examples of hyperbole. Share & collect dream poems Imagery in “Oranges” Hyperbole examples: I smelled it from a mile away. My mom is going to kill me. I’m never going to let you go. I’m starving to death. That test took forever. Leonardo DiCaprio is perfect in every way. (Okay, so that’s actually true!)

9 4/5: Today in Creative Writing
WP: Write a story that involves a countdown. Start the story at 10 and end the story at 0. Part 2: Imagery Video Assignment: “Wheelbarrow” style poem

10 Deadly Countdown Ten Tears that fell Nine Half hearted oh wells Eight Sleepless nights Seven Silent screams Six Simple scratches Five Days left Four Depressive thoughts Three Anxious ones Two Ugly options One Last chance Zero No more, she's gone

11 3/29: Creative Writing Writing Prompt: What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Share & collect “Red Wheelbarrow” poems Writing short narrative poems with vivid imagery

12 3/30: Creative Writing WP: Three things you can’t go without; three celebrity crushes; three favorite book characters. Return & share “Red Wheelbarrow” poems Discuss revising/portfolios Read & write short narrative poems with vivid imagery

13 April 3: Creative Writing
WP: Thoughts on prom date random drawing (video) Read “Memory from Childhood”; annotate imagery in three poems Assignment: Narrative Poem with vivid imagery handout

14 4/4: Creative Writing WP: Make a list of your 10 favorite places. Choose one and describe what is so special about that place. Sensory details videos Finish discussion of narrative poems with imagery Time to work on poem

15 4/5: Creative Writing Writing Prompt: Describe three pieces of clothing you once loved, name three pieces of music you still love, and three old movies you will always love. Eligibility List for tomorrow Time to work on narrative poem with imagery (rough draft due tomorrow)

16 4/: Creative Writing WP: Three favorite snacks, three things you look for in a friend & three pet peeves. Personification Poetry worksheet & assignment

17 April 18: Creative Writing

18 4/18: Creative Writing WP: What was/is your favorite children’s book? What did/do you like about it? Discuss children’s literature & worksheet Bring two children’s books to class tomorrow

19 4/22: Creative Writing WP: Make a list of morals/lessons that are appropriate for a children’s book Handout on writing a children’s book Video: Writing a children’s book Submit an idea of what your book might be about. (tips from top writers) (tips for children’s lit)

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