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Presidents 44 Presidents…45.

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1 Presidents 44 Presidents…45

2 George Washington ( ) John Adams ( ) Thomas Jefferson ( ) James Madison ( ) James Monroe ( )

3 6. John Quincy Adams ( ) 7. Andrew Jackson ( ) 8. Martin Van Buren ( ) 9. William Henry Harrison (1841*) 10. John Tyler ( )

4 11. James K. Polk ( ) 12. Zachary Taylor ( *) 13. Millard Fillmore ( ) 14. Franklin Pierce ( ) 15. James Buchanan ( )

5 16. Abraham Lincoln ( *) 17. Andrew Johnson ( ) 18. Ulysses S. Grant ( ) 19. Rutherford B. Hayes ( ) 20. James A. Garfield (1881*)

6 GEORGE WASHINGTON His teeth were made of ivory, gold, lead and animal teeth (dentures) Only President that did not represent a political party; shortest speech (133 words…2 minutes long) He did not live in the capital (located in Philadelphia)

7 JOHN ADAMS He used to skip school to fish or hunt
Not a slaveholder, but against abolition Died the same day as Thomas Jefferson (July 4, 1826—50 yrs. after the Declaration of Independence)

8 THOMAS JEFFERSON Founded the University of Virginia
First President to be inaugurated in Washington D.C. Wrote the Declaration of Independence

9 JAMES MADISON Princeton’s first graduate student
Shortest President (standing at 5’4”, never weighed more than 100 lbs) President when the British/Canadians burned down the White House (War of 1812)

10 JAMES MONROE Capital of Liberia named after him (Monrovia)
Presidential term coined: “The Era of Good Feelings” Considered the last of the Founding Fathers— Died July 4, 1831

11 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Lost a brutal reelection (1828) campaign against Andrew Jackson 1830, elected to the House of Representatives Had a stroke on the House Floor and later died from complications

12 ANDREW JACKSON Challenged Charles Dickinson to a duel—killed him
First attempted presidential assassination—guns misfired Gambler

13 MARTIN VAN BUREN Worked in a tavern (bar) as a youth
1836, blocked the admission of Texas to the Union After the Panic of 1837…he is referred to as Martin Van Ruin

Dropped out of medical school—could not afford the tuition Won the election of 1840 with 80% of the vote— 1st modern campaign Shortest presidency—died April 4, 1841

15 JOHN TYLER Annexed Texas—Tyler, Texas is named in his honor
Was not a popular president Died in 1862—only president to not have flags drawn half-staff

16 JAMES K. POLK Dedicated his presidency to accomplish Manifest Destiny
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (Ended Mexican-American War)—gave up land from Texas to California ($15 mil) Known as “Young Hickory”

17 ZACHARY TAYLOR National War Hero (from the battles in the Mexican War)
Known as “Old Rough and Ready” Died July 9, 1850, after 16 months in office

18 MILLARD FILLMORE Forced Japan to open trade—Treaty of Kanagawa (Commodore Perry) Supported the Fugitive Slave Act—crime to help runaway slaves Helped pass the Compromise of 1850—ended the 4 year confrontation between North and South

19 FRANKLIN PIERCE Signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854—they decide either free/slave state Disagreed with the views of Abraham Lincoln Drinking problem


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