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Diseases and Disorders Created by Dana Cashion

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1 Diseases and Disorders Created by Dana Cashion
Digestive System Diseases and Disorders Created by Dana Cashion

2 Appendicitis An acute inflammation of the appendix
Usually caused by an obstruction and infection Appendix can rupture possibly causing peritonitis Treated with an appendectomy

3 Signs and Symptoms Generalized abdominal pain,
that later localizes at LRQ N/V Mild fever Elevated WBC count

4 Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gallbladder
But, if gallstones form, it is cholelithiasis Gallbladder can rupture, esp if gallstones block the bile ducts. Treatments can be low-fat diet, lithotripsy (shock waves to shatter stones), and/or cholecystectomy

5 Signs and Symptoms Symptoms occur typically after eating fatty foods.
Indigestion N/V Pain under rib cage, radiating to right shoulder

6 Cirrohsis Chronic destruction of liver cells with formation of fibrous, connective and scar tissue Can be caused by hepatitis, bile duct disease, chemical toxins, and malnutrition/alcoholism Treatment is directed at preventing further damage Avoid alcohol; have good nutrition, vitamins, diuretics, rest, infection prevention, and exercise Can have liver transplant

7 Signs and Symptoms Liver enlargement Anemia Indigestion Nausea
Edema in legs and feet Hematemesis Nose bleeds Jaundice Ascites

8 S&S Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and the following:
Disorientation Hallucinations Hepatic coma Death

9 Constipation Fecal material stays in the colon too long and causes excessive absorption of water Feces becomes hard, dry, and difficult to eliminate Can be caused by poor bowel habits, chronic laxative use, diet low in fiber, certain digestive diseases Treatment included high fiber diet, fluids, and exercise

10 Diarrhea Frequent watery stools
Caused by infection, stress, diet, irritated colon, toxic substances Can be very dangerous in children d/t excessive fluid loss Treatment is to eliminate the cause, adequate fluid intake, and modify your diet

11 Diverticulitis An inflammation of the diverticula (sacs that form in the intestine as mucosal lining pushes thru muscle) Can be caused by trapped fecal matter and bacteria Diverticula can abscess or rupture, causing peritonitis Treatment includes antibiotics, stool softeners, pain meds, high fiber diet, surgery to remove affected part

12 Signs and Symptoms Varies with the amount of inflammation
Abdominal pain Irregular bowel movements Flatus Constipation or diarrhea Abdominal distention Low grade fever n/v

13 Gastroenteritis Inflammation of mucous membrane
that lines the stomach and intestinal tract Can be caused by food poisoning, infection, toxins Treatment is rest and increased fluid intake If severe, abx, IVF, and medications to slow peristalsis

14 Signs and symptoms Abdominal cramping n/v Fever Diarrhea

15 GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Reflux)
Chronic digestive disease Happens when stomach acid flows back (reflux) into your esophagus repeatedly over time and causes damage Reflux irritates the lining of your esophagus causing inflammation (esophagitis) Treatment is management and reduction of the symptoms

16 Signs and Symptoms Heartburn Chest pain Dysphagia Dry cough
Hoarseness or sore throat Regurgitation of food or sour liquid Sensation of lump in throat

17 GERD DX with GERD if signs and symptoms occur at least twice each week
or interfere with your daily life Of if physician can see damage to your esophagus Meds decrease acid production and neutralize stomach acid allowing esophagus to heal

18 Treatment For GerD Lifestyle changes may help reduce the frequency of heartburn and gastroesophogeal reflux disease. Maintain a healthy weight; excess weight puts pressure on your abdomen, pushing up your stomach and causing acid to back up into your esophogus Avoid tight fitting clothes; tight clothes around your waist put pressure on your abdomen and lower esophogeal spincter (aka cardiac spincter) Avoid foods and drink that triggers heartburn; fatty, fried foods, tomatoes, spicy, alcohol, chocolate, caffeine Eat smaller meals Don’t lie down after eating; wait at least 3 hours after eating to lie down or go to bed Elevate the head of your bed (HOB); sleep on multiple pillows, use a wedge between your bed and box spring, or elevate the bed itself with bricks or cinderblocks Do not smoke; smoking decreases the LES’s ability to function properly

19 Hemorrhoids Painful dilated or varicose veins of rectum and/or anus
Caused by straining to defecate, constipation, pressure during pregnancy, insufficient fluid intake, laxative abuse, prolonged sitting or standing Treatment includes high fiber diet, increased fluids, stool softener, sitz baths, warm moist compresses May need hemorrhoidectomy S/Sx=pain, itching, bleeding

20 Hepatitis Viral inflammation of the liver
Several types but main are A, B, C Vaccines for A and B (HBV recommended for health care workers) Treatment methods included rest and diet high in protein and calories, and low in fat Liver transplant may be needed

21 Hepatitis A Aka infectious hepatitis Highly contagious
Transmitted in food or water contaminated by the feces of an infected person Most benign and usually self-limiting Vaccine available

22 Hepatitis B Aka serum hepatitis Transmitted by body fluids
Blood and Serum Saliva and breastmilk Semen and Vaginal secretions More serious than type A Can lead to chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis

23 Hepatitis C Also spread through contact with blood or body fluids
Transmission includes sharing needles with drugs, getting stuck by sharp, or passing from mother to infant during birth More likely to progress to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, or both No vaccine

24 Signs and Symptoms of Hepatitis
Fever Anorexia n/v Fatigue Dark-colored urine Clay-colored stool Myalgia Enlarged liver jaundice

25 Hernia A rupture Occurs when an internal organ pushes through a weakened area or natural opening in a body wall Treatment may include a bland diet, small frequent meals, staying upright after eating, and surgical repair If the hernia cannot be pushed back into place (reduced), herniorrhaphy performed

26 Types of Hernias Hiatal hernia
Stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity through the opening for the esophagus Inguinal hernia (you can see this from the outside) Section of the small intestines protrudes through the inguinal rings of the lower abdominal wall

27 Signs and symptoms Heartburn Stomach distention Chest pain
Difficulty swallowing

28 Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas Pancreatic enzymes begin to
digest the pancreas itself!! In turn, the pancreas becomes necrotic, inflamed, and edematous. If the damage includes the blood vessels in the pancreas, hemorrhage and shock can result.

29 Pancreatitis Can be caused by too much alcohol or blockage of pancreatic ducts by gallstones Also can have idiopathic, or unknown cause Treatment depends on the cause; cholecystectomy if gallstones. If cause is alcoholism or unknown, pain meds and nutritional support is needed. Idiopathic or alcoholic pancreatitis has poor prognosis and results usually in death.

30 Signs and Symptoms Severe abdominal pain that radiates to the back n/v
Diaphoresis Jaundice

31 Peritonitis Inflammation of abdominal peritoneal cavity
Usually caused by intestinal rupture and contents enter the peritoneal cavity Additional causes are ruptured appendix or gallbladder Treatment includes antibiotics and surgical repair of the damaged intestines

32 Signs and Symptoms Abdominal pain and distention Fever n/v

33 Ulcer An open sore on the lining of the digestive tract
Several types of ulcers: Peptic ulcers: Gastric ulcers are located in the stomach Duodenal ulcer are located in the duodenum Major cause can be h. pylori, bacteria that burrow into stomach membrane, allowing stomach acids and digestive juices to create an ulcer

34 Ulcer Treatment includes antacids, bland diet, decreased stress, and avoiding gastric irritants such as alcohol, fried food, tobacco, caffeine If confirmed h. pylori, treat with abx, pepto-bismol Can have surgery to remove affected area

35 Signs and Symptoms Burning pain Indigestion Hematemesis Melena

36 Ulcerative Colitis Severe inflammation of the colon with formation of ulcers and abscesses Thought to be caused by stress, food allergy, or autoimmune reaction Can have periods of remission and exacerbation

37 Ulcerative Colitis Treatment is directed at controlling inflammation, reducing stress, proper nutrition, and avoiding substances that aggravates the condition Treatment can also included surgical removal of the affected colon and creation of colostomy

38 Signs and Symptoms Main symptom is diarrhea containing blood, pus, and mucous Weight loss weakness abdominal pain anemia anorexia

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