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Large Intestine.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Intestine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Intestine

2 Functions of the large intestine
Absorption of water and some vitamins Formation of feces

3 Parts of the large intestine
Cecum Colon Rectum Anus

4 Cecum Cecum begins at the ileo-cecal valve
The cecum is 6cm (2.5 inches) in length. The appendix hangs off of the cecum.


6 Colon The colon makes up the bulk of the large intestine, over 90% of the large intestine is the colon The colon is divided into four distinct regions. Ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid.


8 Rectum and anal canal The rectum is 20 cm (8 in)
The anus the final 2-3 cm (1 in) of the alimentary canal. It terminates at the exterior end the anus. Two sphincter muscles are found here. The internal anal sphincter is involuntary (smooth muscle), while the external anal sphincter (skeletal muscle)


10 Absorption and feces formation
Chyme remains in the large intestine 3-10 hours. By now it is called feces. Feces is composed of water, inorganic salts, sloughed off epithelial cells, bacteria, products of bacterial decomposition, and undigested parts of food. Water is absorbed by the large intestine.

11 Fiber Fiber is indigestible plant substance. It creates bulk in your large intestine. This bulk helps with the peristaltic wave. People who choose a fiber rich diet reduce their risk of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, gall stones, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, appendicitis, and colon cancer

12 Diarrhea and constipation
Diarrhea – food moves to fast through the small intestine, and there is too much water in the chyme, and the large intestine cannot absorb enough water out, leaving chyme (feces) with too much liquid. Diarrhea is treated with fiber rich substances to create more solid materials in the LI

13 Constipation Constipation is defined as infrequent or difficult defecation. Too much water is absorbed by both the large and small intestine. The feces becomes dry and hard, making it difficult to pass. Laxatives induce defecation, thus can be a short term treatment.

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