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Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

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1 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.1 The Six Beliefs 1 Belief in Allah Most important belief for Muslims. 2 Belief in the angels of Allah Heavenly beings created by Allah to perform various duties. 3 Belief in the books of Allah Contain Allah’s messages also known as Kutubullah. 4 Belief in the messengers of Allah Muslims believe more than 124,000 prophets have appeared in the world and it is essential to believe in them all. 5 Belief in the day of Judgement The dead will be resurrected and will be judged by Allah. 6 Belief in the decree of Allah Muslims believe in al-Qadr (divine decree) Sunni Muslims base their six central Beliefs, known as Iman-Ul-Mufassal, on the Qur’an and the ‘Hadith of Gabriel’, “…believe in Allah, and his angels, and His books, and His messengers, and in the Last day, and in the decree of Allah…”) Sahih Muslim These are important as they show highlight the key features of a Muslim’s faith and inform their day-to-day living. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

2 1.2 The five roots of ‘Usul ad-Din’-Shia Islam
The five roots of ‘Usul ad-Din’ are central to the Shi’a Muslim faith: 1 Tawhid The belief in the oneness of Allah. ‘He is God the One, God the eternal…’ Surah 112 2 Nubuwwah Belief in the prophethood and the chain of messengers from Adam to Mohammed. ‘We sent messengers to every community…’ Surah 16. 3 Adl Allah is just (fair) and will bring about Divine Justice. ‘…I advise you to being just towards both friend and foe…’ Imam Ali 4 Imamah A term for God-given leadership. ‘…obey God and the Messenger, and those in authority among you’. Surah 4 5 Mi’ad The day of judgement and Resurrection. …His is the judgement; and to Him you shall be returned.’ Surah 28 Twelver Shi’a Muslims consider obedience to 12 particular imams to be essential. Sevener Shi’a Muslims believe that Isma’ail ibn Jafar was the sixth Imam and have a separate line of Imams from the Twelver Shi’a Muslims Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

3 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.3 The nature of Allah The Arabic word for God is ‘Allah’. Muslims are forbidden from drawing Allah. Muslims believe that Allah has many characteristics, each one is represented by one of his names. Characteristic Meaning Tawhid This means ‘oneness’ and that Allah is unique and without partner or family. Immanence and transcendence Allah can be experienced, however, he is also beyond human understanding. Omnipotence Allah is all powerful and can create everything from nothing. Beneficence Allah loves his creation especially humans. Mercy Allah is know as the merciful. Fairness and justice, Adalat in Shi’a Islam Sunni and Shi’as believe Allah is just. Shia’s believe that Allah treats people fairly. Why are Allah’s characteristics important? Knowing some of Allah’s attributes helps Muslims to understand some aspects of Allah’s nature. Understanding Allah helps Muslims to establish a close relationship with Allah. It also helps Muslims to strive for some of His attributes. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

4 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.4 Risalah Muslims believe Allah chose special individuals to teach humanity about the right way to live. They are called Prophets Prophet Muhammad said more than 124,000 Prophets were sent by Allah. “Every community has been sent a warner” Qur’an One of the Six Beliefs for Sunnis and 5 roots of Usil-ad-Din for Shi’as Represents how Allah communicates with people Muslims expected to follow the teachings of prophets All prophets had great qualities and were an example to their people. Reminds Muslims of their links with Judaism and Christianity. Some of the Prophets of Allah Adam-First prophet, known as Allah’s khalifah Ibrahim-Considered as one of the greatest prophets, he is called Allah’s friend Isma’il- One of Ibrahim’s sons, chosen to rebuild the Kabah Musa-main founder of Judaism and was chosen to free the Israelites from slavery. Dawud- remembered for his wisdom, prayers, fasting and victory over Jalut (Goliath) Isa-Amongst the most honoured prophets. Performed many miracles. Muhammad- The principle prophet sent by Allah, ‘God and His angels bless the Prophet so, you who believe, bless him too..’ What do the roles of Prophets teach Muslims? Lived exemplary lives, set good examples of social, moral and spiritual conduct, communicated the message of Allah. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

5 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.5 Muslim holy books Muslims believe that, over the centuries, prophets have received messages from Allah known as Kutubullah. Holy books revealed to humanity prior to the Qur’an are believed by Muslims to be earlier forms of revelation and not considered a final authority. Book Sahifah (scrolls) One of the earliest knowns scrolls of Ibrahim and Moses-some parts are quoted in the Qur’an. ‘He has not been told what was written in the Scriptures of Moses and Abrahim…’ Surah 53 Tawrat (Torah) Contains many good teachings and laws, but was only meant for Jewish people and a limited. ‘We revealed the Torah with guidance and light…’ surah 5 Zabur (Psalms) Given to Dawud, there are 150 Psalms ‘…to David We gave the book (of Paslams)…’ Surah 4 Injil (Gospel) Orginial Gospel taught by Isa ‘We sent Jesus (Isa), Son of Mary: We gave him the Gospel…’ Surah 57 Qur’an Revealed to Prophet Muhammad and is the final testament for all times, all people and all places and sent by God. ‘Nor could this Qur’an have been devised by anyone other than God.’ Surah 10 Why are Muslim holy books important for Muslims today? All of Allah’s books are respected by Muslims as they contain Allah’s original messages and moral guidance. All previous scriptures prepared the way for the final and eternal revelation, the Qur’an. A’sha said that Muhammad was a living example of the Qur’an, Muslims try to follow this example by acting according to the teachings of the Qur’an. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

6 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Beliefs
1.6 Malaikah Muslims believe in angels because they are mentioned in the Qur’an For Sunni Muslims this is one of the six Beliefs ‘Praise be to God, Creator of the heavens and earth, who made the angels messengers with two, three, four (pairs of) wings.’ Surah 35 Malaika are beings created by Allah to perform various tasks e.g. governing the universe and the laws of natures. Most Muslims believe they do not posses a fixed material form. Angel Jibril appeared to Mary and Prophet Muhammad in the form of a man. Angels are believed to help those whose faith is strong What is the significance of angels for Muslims today? Belief in Malakah is the second most important article of faith for Sunni Muslims. Help believers in times of need. Referred to as Kiraman Katibin (noble scribes) in the Qur’an. Angels record the good and bad deeds of every human. Angels Role 1 Jibril When Allah wants to communicate with his prophets, he does through Jibril. ‘We only descend (with revelation) at your Lord’s command…’ Surah 19 2 Izra’il Angel of death, responsible for taking the soul of everyone person. ‘The Angel of Death put in charge of you will reclaim you…’ SURAH 32 3 Mika’il To oversee the provision and maintenance of life, plants and the rain. ‘If anyone is an enemy of God, His angels and His messengers, of Gibra’l and Michael (Mika’il)…’ Surah 2 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Beliefs

7 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.7 Al-Qadr Muslims believe Allah that Allah knows everything: he is omniscient. Many of his laws are predetermined and unchangeable. ‘…He regulates all things.’ Surah 13 “When is the All Knowing Creator: when he wills something to be, His way is to say ‘Be’- and it is!” Qur’an Belief in Al-Qadr is important because; It affirms Allah’s omnipotence and his capacity to know everything. The laws governing the universe are designed for the benefit of humanity, Allah’s knowledge of all things helps Muslims to understand that everything happens for a reason and is part of Allah’s plan. How do al-Qadr and human freedom related to the Day of Judgment? Allah is just, so will judge everyone fairly in the akhirah-Some circumstances are beyond human control such as being born into a crime ridden society. Humans are responsible for anything they do outside of these factors: people are free to make their own choices and should be responsible for their actions, good and bad, right and wrong. What are the implications of belief in al-Qadr for Muslims today? One of the six beliefs of Sunni Muslims and also important for Shi’a Muslims Muslims trust Allah is in control of everything Close connection with akhirah Reminded of Allah’s conscience- He knows what has happened, is happening and will happen-Muslims must be prepared to answer for their deeds in their next life. What is Human freedom? Muslims believe Allah gave humans free well-They are free to chose and act however they want. Sometimes people's choices are in harmony with God’s will, which forms part of al-Qadr ‘…if God had so willed, He could have guided all mankind?’ Surah 13 This shows that Allah could have taken away human free will but chose not to. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

8 Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life
1.8 Akhirah Muslims believe that our physical life will one day come to an end and that all humans will be raised again in the next life, called Akhirah. “…Then the will say who will bring us back?” Say, “The One who created you the first time.” Qur’an What are the Muslim teachings about life after death? Some Muslims believe the resurrection will be physical, this is why Muslims are buried. Other Muslims says only the soul is taken away and given a new form in Akhirah. The soul is important, after death, the angel of death takes the soul to Barzakh which is the time between death and judgment day. How do Muslim teachings about life after death affect the life of a Muslim today? Belief in the day of Judgement is one of the six Beliefs of Sunni Muslims and Five roots of Usal ad-Din of Shia Muslims. Belief in the akhira affects how a Muslims lives and treats others because they know they will be judged. A Muslim will strive to follow the Qur’an, Sunnah, and the Hadith to the best of their ability, so they will be judged fairly. Promise of paradise for good deeds offers Muslims hope for a better afterlife. Judgement, paradise and hell- Qur’an ‘When the Hour arrives, on that Day people will be separated…’ People will be rewarded and punished according to their deeds. ‘…they will have gardens of lasting bliss graced with flowing streams…’ Jannah (paradise) is described as a beautiful and attractive place. ‘…the Fire will scorch their faces and their lips will be twisted in pain.’ Jahannam (hell) is described as a place of pain and suffering in the Qur’an. Religion and Ethics : Islam: Living the Muslim life

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