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Ender’s Game Essential Questions

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1 Ender’s Game Essential Questions

2 Pick a Theme You should have picked a theme from one of the following:
Good/evil Heroes/villains Bullying War Truth/lies Love/hate Leadership Empathy Pick a theme that you would like to write your argument essay about. Write it on the line underneath “Possible Theme from Ender’s Game”

3 Personal and Real World Connections
These three boxes are for you to connect the novel to real world experiences. These can be from the news/history/personal/movies/tv shows/etc. Personal and Real World Connections I made while reading this novel.

4 Personal and Real World cont.
Write down both the part of the book AND the connection it reminded you of. THESE SHOULD BE RELATED TO THE THEME YOU PICKED. For example: If you picked the theme “War.” “The Russian civil war in Ender’s Game reminded me of America’s Civil War.” Here is the example from the novel. Here is what it reminded me of

5 Personal and Real World Cont.
Personal and Real World Connections I made while reading this novel. The Russian civil war in Ender’s Game reminded me of America’s Civil War Think of three connections you made that relate to the theme you picked. (8 minutes)

6 BIG QUESTIONS For the bottom three boxes, you need to look at those three real world connections and think of questions that relate to them and your theme. Come up with three separate questions.

7 BIG QUESTIONS cont. For example:
If I look at my example about the civil war, I can look at it and think about what caused that war or what was the outcome. An outcome is that slavery ended. It solved a problem. You can then form a question based on that. The Russian civil war in Ender’s Game reminded me of America’s Civil War

8 Real World Connection BIG QUESTIONS This question is both arguable, and important to argue about. The Russian civil war in Ender’s Game reminded me of America’s Civil War Does war solve problems?

9 BIG QUESTIONS Some BIG QUESTIONS that are REAL WORLD and reflect on the theme I have chosen for the story. Does war solve problems? Write a question for each of your real world connections. (8 minutes)

10 My Essential Question Look at the three questions you just came up with. First, are any of theme specific to the book? Example: Is Ender a good leader? If so, you CANNOT use that question. The reason is because you will not find ANY real world examples to support that, as Ender was not a real person (sorry to burst anyone’s bubble)

11 My Essential Question Cont.
Second, is it arguable? Is it important to argue about? If not, then it is not a good essential question. Use your notes on the other side of the page to make sure it is a good essential question.

12 My Essential Question Cont.
Finally, select one that fills all the requirements. If none do, then you may want to revise some of your questions. If they all fill the requirements, pick the one that interests you the most. Write it on the line underneath “My Essential Question is”

13 My Essential Question Cont.
Congratulations! You now have a topic AND a TITLE for your paper. Write it again on the outline passed out to you. Turn this in to the basket for Mrs. Cox to check off. Remember your question so you will be able to start doing research on your topic.

14 Lab Time Today You will be going to the Lab today to start your research. (Sit in your assigned computers) You will need the green paper you received from Mrs. Bramall on Wednesday. Open a google doc and you will copy and paste the web addresses of all the websites you MAY want to use into that document. Try to find at least 5. You may not use all of these but it is always good to have several options.

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