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Publications Budget 2016 actuals – 2017 projections.

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1 Publications Budget 2016 actuals – 2017 projections

2 2016 Douglasia Calendar 2016 - 4 issues
Shift to color reduced printing cost with alternate printer Membership number shift from issue to issue impacts mailing costs more than print, but makes for flexible price range of issues. Honoria was increased due to numbers of pages of issue. Special issues for 40th Anniversary Also ordered through reduced cost printer. Print cost savings over 2015 near $700.00 Cost to Print $2,548.39 Cost for Layout Editor - $210.00

3 2016 Publications budget actuals

4 2017 Budget Projection

5 2017 Budget proposal NOTIBLE CONSIDERATIONS:
Blog / Fundraising Writer is currently under a 6 month contract. $ remains available, however intent was designated to ENEWS for 2nd half of 2017 Proposed Douglasia expenses does not reflect flexible membership numbers

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