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The Crucible.

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1 The Crucible

2 Vocabulary After looking at the definition of the 34 words, give a synonym for each, and then use each in a sentence. Dissembling Anarchy Deferentially Pretense Faction Pallor Callously Contention Abominations Indignant Incredulously Covet Intimations Wily Gaunt Reprimand Formidable Tainted Conciliatory Unperturbed Trepidations Ineptly Beguile Retaliation Subservient Wrath Reprieve Indictment Notorious Affidavit Adamant Prodigious Imperceptible Tantalized

3 Character List Betty Parris Abigail Williams Reverend Parris Tituba

4 Character List Ruth Putnam Ann Putnam Thomas Putnam Mercy Lewis

5 Character List Elizabeth Proctor John Proctor Mary Warren

6 Character List Rebecca Nurse Francis Nurse Giles Corey Martha Corey Reverend John Hale

7 Character List Ezekiel Cheever Marshal Herrick Judge Hathorne Deputy Governor Danforth

8 Act I Describe Rev. Parris. What’s his attitude toward children?
Judging from what you’ve read so far, what factors were responsible for the witch hysteria? According to Puritan belief, where did the devil live? Who had authority in the Salem village? Why has Parris called the doctor to his home? Describe Abigail Williams and explain her relationship with Parris. When asked about the events in the forest, what does Abigail tell Parris? Who fired Abigail?

9 Act I, Cont. Describe Ann Putnam. What happened to her children, and what does she think of this? Why has Proctor come to town? How does Proctor feel about Abigail now? What is Betty’s reaction when she hears the singing below? What does Parris do? Describe Rebecca Nurse. Describe Giles Corey How does Rebecca react to Ruth? Why does Rebecca say to wait to call in Rev. Hale? Why does Proctor refuse to go to church? According to Rebecca, why are families staying away from church?

10 Act I, cont. How educated is Parris?
What complaints does Parris have concerning his salary? What suggests that he values money over God? Who has a habit of suing people in the village? Why does Putnam get angry when Proctor asks Giles for help in dragging lumber? Describe Rev. Hale. To what profession is he compared? What happened the last time Hale thought he had found a witch? Giles questions what behavior of his wife’s? What happened in the forest with Tituba and the girls? What names did the girls give at the end of the act. Why? Who discovered the girls dancing in the forest?

11 Project Options You must complete 2 different projects.
Character Wheels—Choose 3 characters to analyze in the form of a character wheel (instructions on the following slide). Wanted Poster—Choose a character who may have been “wanted” for a crime (witchcraft or other). Create a poster with a picture of the accused person, and a paragraph below stating the wrongdoings he/she committed. Journal Entry—take on the persona of one of the characters, and write a 1 page journal entry of the feelings and thoughts of the character. Plot Graph—After reading the play, graph the plot on a chart. Include all parts of the plot (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion). Include the setting in the introduction.

12 Character Wheel Example
Character Qualities/ Temperament Physical Characteristics Char Ideas—yours idea or others’ ideas of this character Background

13 Act II How would you describe the relationship between Proctor and his wife at the beginning of the act? What reason did Mary Warren give Elizabeth for going to town? How many people have been jailed? What power does the court have over these people? What does Elizabeth want her husband to do? Why does Proctor hesitate in proclaiming Abigail a fraud? Does Elizabeth know of the affair? How do we know? What gift does Mary Warren give Elizabeth? To what did Sarah Good confess? How does Elizabeth rationalize Sarah Good’s mumbling? Whose life does Mary claim to have saved?

14 Act II, cont. Why does Elizabeth think she was named?
Why does Hale visit the Proctors? What questions does he ask? Why does the issue of the Candlesticks bother Proctor? Why did the Proctors only have two of their children baptized? Which commandment could Proctor not remember? When Proctor tells Hale that Abigail made up the witch story, what is Hale’s response? According to Proctor, why have the people confessed? Hale tells the Proctors, “God keep you both. Let. . .” What does he tell them to do?

15 Act II, cont. Why has Giles come to the Proctor’s house?
With what has Rebecca Nurse been charged? What is the charge against Martha Corey? What incriminating evidence is found against Elizabeth? What does Proctor want Mary Warren to tell the court? For what reason has Cheever come to the Proctor’s house? Why does Mary tell Proctor, “I cannot, I cannot!” In your own words, explain the significance of the poppet and explain how that led to the charge of Elizabeth.

16 Act III Who are Judge Hathorne and Deputy Governor Danforth? What is their role in Salem right now? How does Giles Corey feel about telling people about his wife reading? Why did Mary Warren appear before Danforth? What proof does Proctor have that states that Mary Warren lied? How does Proctor react to Mary Warren’s testimony? What do we learn about Goody Proctor? What does Parris insist that Proctor has come to do? Ninety-one members of the church have signed a letter attesting to. .. Why do Proctor and Francis Nurse fear for the safety of the people who signed the letter?

17 Act III, cont. What is the accusation that Giles makes against Putnam?
What does Putnam stand to gain by charging people with witchcraft? Why was Giles charged with contempt of court? Rev. Hale tells Proctor he should return with a _____. Why? According to Danforth, why is witchcraft a difficult crime to prove? Danforth states that if Mary Warren is lying in her deposition, her punishment will be _____. What lie does Parris make to the judges? How does Mary Warren explain her fainting during the trials? How does Abigail distract Danforth? Why does Proctor confess? When questioned, what does Elizabeth tell the court? How does Abigail cause Mary Warren to change her testimony?

18 Act IV What happens at the end of Act III that precedes the action of Act IV? Why has Hale returned to the jail? How does Hathorne describe Parris? To what does Cheever attribute Parris’s madness? Parris is deeply troubled by Abigail’s actions—what did she do? What has happened in Andover? What does Parris propose to Danforth and why? What is the incident with the dagger? Why won’t Danforth discuss a pardon or postponement? What details do we learn about Proctor’s imprisonment? How does Hale now view his position as minister?

19 Act IV, cont. What does Hale want Elizabeth to do?
What was Giles Corey’s fate? Why did he do it? How does Elizabeth respond when John asks for her forgiveness? What does she mean? How has Elizabeth come to view John’s adultery? How did she view herself as a wife? What does Proctor do to this confession and why? What is the final scene of the play? What do Elizabeth’s final words mean?

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