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OCR Regional Teacher Networks; Summer 2017 LOOKING AHEAD TO NEXT YEAR Resources at
Today’s programme David Paterson / Neil Wade / Richard Tateson
OCR Subject Advisor Planning for : reviewing your A-level courses Destinations: where are your students going? Has this changed? 16:40 Refreshments and networking 17.00 Branching out: developing investigative skills
Planning for 2017-2019: reviewing your A-level courses
Reviewing your A-level courses
Stuart is a trainee joining your department in September. He has come through a SCITT. He hasn’t taught a lot of A-level and his training school used AQA qualifications. What support will you be putting in place between now and September to help Stuart ‘hit the ground running’ with his Year 12 class? A context on which to base the discussion. Could be equally relevant for a teacher new to the department who has been teaching a different qualification.
Possible areas of discussion
Timing of the course – how did your initial plans work out? New content – is everyone in the department confident with the ‘new’ science? Practical work – will you be changing the activities used for 2017 onwards? – will you change the preparation for practical-based exam questions? Maths – how did students cope with the new Level 2 maths/ problem solving? Linearity – are you retaining/dropping AS? – what will you do with the extra time if dropping? Synopticity – how good was the ‘cross-talk’ between teachers – how well prepared are students for the ‘Unified’ papers? What are the key information sources new teachers must read / all teachers should review? A wide range of areas to discuss. Suggest give the groups times to discuss then feedback to the whole group. May want to divide the room into areas to start discussion at different points on the list so everything is covered.
Possible Useful Sources
Core Specification Maths / Practical skills handbooks Sample papers / practice papers / past papers & examiners reports and RTEAs (Interchange) Suggested PAG activities (Interchange) T&L support Delivery guides Topic exploration packs (new topics, inc practical) Assessment Support Level of response candidate exemplars MCQs (Lesson elements) Exambuilder Point out the key documents – show on a qualification page, and work through getting to the Interchange resources.
Destinations: where are your student going?
UCAS entries by subject group
Data on entries by subject group – next slide has graph. SOURCE: UCAS (2017), 2017 cycle applicant figures. [online] Last accessed 25 April 2017:
All data rebased to 2013 to show relative changes.
Stand out features: Significant increase in computer sciences – increased focus from the government Moderate increases in biological sciences and engineering Relatively stable: mathematical and physical sciences; veterinary sciences, agriculture and related Moderate drops in medicine/dentistry/allied courses – effect of problems in NHS? SOURCE: UCAS (2017), 2017 cycle applicant figures. [online] Last accessed 25 April 2017:
Higher Education Participation
SOURCE: HEFCE (2017), Participation of Local Areas (POLAR). [online] Last accessed 28 April 2017:
POLAR – links
Possible areas of discussion
How have your A-level cohorts changed over the last three year? numbers ability other subjects followed focus on university / apprenticeships How have their degree choices changed? more / less focussed on particular subjects more / fewer applications closer to home How has careers advice changes in your centre? A wide range of areas to discuss. Suggest give the groups times to discuss then feedback to the whole group. May want to divide the room into areas to start discussion at different points on the list so everything is covered.
Branching out: developing investigative skills
The PAG triangles: a recap
Reintroduction of the PAG triangle – original design was to move students from well-structured activities to more investigate work over the 2 year course of the A-level. However, investigative skills can be introduced early and ‘standard’ PAG activities can be adapted.
Investigative approaches and methods
1.2.1(a) apply investigative approaches and methods to practical work Investigative approaches: choosing materials / amounts of materials choosing variables to vary / control deciding measurements / observations to make devising safe and appropriate procedures Reminder of the specification statement 1.2.1(a) and possible ways of approaching this in lesson.
Investigative approaches and methods
1.2.1(a) apply investigative approaches and methods to practical work Providing some structure: modification of basic methods providing a limited range of equipment to be added to providing a problem to be solved with familiar techniques Reminder of the specification statement 1.2.1(a) and possible ways of approaching this in lesson.
Carrying out an investigation
“The Practical Project ran over the six weeks after the AS exam period. There was plenty of flexibility built in to help deal with the inevitable student absences from lessons due to University visits and other subject’s trips.” Week 1: Introduction and task choice Week 2: Tutorials – research and pre-lab questions Week 3: Planning – risk assessment and equipment requests Week 4: Practical work Week 5: Tutorials – data presentation and write-up Week 6: Presentation – a poster session Tasks were chosen from the RSC ‘Problem Based Practical Activities’: An example of how investigative approaches have been integrated into Chemistry lessons at Comberton Village College. Text below from the web article: The College was originally opened in 1960 as one of the Cambridgeshire Village Colleges, expanding to open a sixth form in 2011, and is central to the Comberton Education Trust. Over 150 students study A Levels at the college each year, and achieve results well above the national average. The new Practical Endorsement in A Level Chemistry requires students to apply investigative approaches to their practical work and use research skills using online and offline sources. In addition their A levels, the school wants to help students prepare for potential STEM careers. Nadine Johnson, Deputy Head of Science said: Working within OCR Practical Endorsement structure, Nadine set her students a challenge to complete a practical investigation to fulfil the requirements of PAG 12 – Research skills. Taking advantage of the flexibility of the OCR model, Nadine chose a set of ‘Problem Based Practical Activities’ freely available from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Students considered how their practical skills had developed over the year, and chose an investigation to help them bridge any gaps and reinforce what they already knew. The Practical Project ran over the six weeks after the AS exam period. There was plenty of flexibility built in to help deal with the inevitable student absences from lessons due to University visits and other subject’s trips. Week 1: Introduction and task choice Week 2: Tutorials – research and pre-lab questions Week 3: Planning – risk assessment and equipment requests Week 4: Practical work Week 5: Tutorials – data presentation and write-up Week 6: Presentation – a poster session “The outcomes of this project were fascinating, giving the teachers a much better insight into the independent study skills of the cohort. It was easy to spot the group who left their presentations until the last possible moment, and (more pleasingly) the sheer determination the students showed to succeed. Students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and challenge, and commented that they enjoyed “the independence” of the activity.” In addition, all of the projects had required students to learn some Year 13 chemistry content for themselves, giving them a jump start for September. Professional scientists were invited in to judge the students work, and provide lectures on how they use science in their day-to-day work. The best overall project was then decided amongst the teachers and guest speakers. Overall, the six-week project was a positive experience for all involved, and the school has rolled the project out to all sciences. The science department is “determined to encourage students to approach their learning in a more self-reflective way, particularly when it comes to their investigative work.” OCR can provide guidance on the suitability of practical tasks further information of Comberton’s project is also available. Source: OCR (2017), Case study: Comberton Village College. [online] Last accessed 26 April 2017:
Investigative work in every PAG - Biology
‘Standard’ PAG activity Investigative PAG activity PAG 3: Sampling techniques Follow a written protocol to calculate species diversity in a given ecological site Design and carry out a study to identify any correlation between abundance of buttercup and soil moisture PAG 4: Rate of enzyme-controlled reactions Follow a protocol to determine the effect of substrate concentration Design and perform an experiment to find out how temperature affects salivary amylase PAG 8: Transport in and out of cells Determine the water potential of the cells in a potato tuber using a given method Quantitatively investigate the effect of at least one factor on membrane permeability PAG10: Investigation using a data logger OR computer modelling Use molecular modelling software to explore the structure of DNA Devise a protocol to investigate the rate of bacterial growth on different sugars using a data logger to measure turbidity Some examples of how ‘standard’ PAG activities can be taken further or replaced with an investigative activity. Suggest teachers discuss in groups the different activities they have used in the past then feedback to the whole group.
Investigative work in every PAG - Chemistry
‘Standard’ PAG activity Investigative PAG activity PAG 1: Moles determination: 1.1: determination of the composition of copper(II) carbon ate basic Provide a range of volatile substances and confirm the molar gas volume is the same for each substance. PAG 2: Acid-base titration: 2.1: determination of concentration of hydrochloric acid Investigate the successive neutralisations of phosphoric acid PAG 3: Enthalpy determination: 3.1: determination of the enthalpy change of neutralisation Supply a range of halide salts and determine the relationship between relative formula mass and enthalpy change of solution PAG 6: Synthesis of an organic solid 6.1: Synthesis of aspirin Investigate the effect on yield of different methods of aspirin synthesis Some examples of how ‘standard’ PAG activities can be taken further or replaced with an investigative activity. Suggest teachers discuss in groups the different activities they have used in the past then feedback to the whole group. Other investigative ideas are available at:
Investigative work in every PAG - Physics
‘Standard’ PAG activity Investigative PAG activity PAG 1, Motion PAG 1.3 Investigating the effect of initial speed on stopping distance Solving a problem, determining how to use data, represent data and determining which graph supports the conclusion. PAG 4,Electric circuits PAG 4.3 Potential dividers and the use of a non-ohmic device as a sensor Designing a circuit to fulfil specific requirements, then optimising the output by selection of resistor value. PAG 8 Gas laws PAG 8.4 Verifying pV = NkT using a bicycle tube A variation on traditional experiments, demanding in terms of deciding on measurements and data processing. PAG 10 Simple harmonic motion PAG 10.1 Investigating factors affecting S.H.M Open ended, students decide on length, mass, displacement and means of determining f or T. Some examples of how ‘standard’ PAG activities can be taken further or replaced with an investigative activity. Suggest teachers discuss in groups the different activities they have used in the past then feedback to the whole group.
Research and reporting
1.2.1(g) use appropriate software and tools to process data, carry out research and report findings calculators spreadsheets wordprocessing digital images and presentations data-loggers / smartphones Reminder of 1.2.1(g) and methods and sources of information that can be used to support teachers and students.
Research and reporting
1.2.1(h) use online and offline research skills including websites, textbooks and other printed scientific sources of information CLEAPSS Student Safety Sheets RSC Data Book Website IUPAC Gold Book Nuffield Book of Data Science and Plants for Schools Nuffield Foundation Practical Biology Reminder of 1.2.1(h) and methods and sources of information that can be used to support teachers and students.
Research and reporting
1.2.1(i) correctly cite sources of information Sufficient information provided so the reader can find the information source Atkins, P.W. (1986), Physical Chemistry, 3rd ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press CLEAPSS Laboratory Handbook (2001), Uxbridge, CLEAPSS School Science Service Asakai, T., Hioki, A. (2011), ‘Investigation of iodine liberation process in redox titration of potassium iodate with sodium thiosulfate’, Analytica Chimica Acta, vol. 689, no 1, pp. 34–38 Clark, J. (2002), Some beryllium chemistry untypical of Group 2. [online] Last accessed 3 February 2015: Lin, Myat T. et al. "A Faster Rubisco With Potential To Increase Photosynthesis In Crops". Nature (2014): Reminder of 1.2.1(i) and suitable ways of referencing. Full Harvard (or other) referencing is not required.
Any other questions?
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