This activity has audio.

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1 This activity has audio.
Language Note Time This activity has audio.

2 Part 1: Time with Numbers only
Instructions: Look at the clocks below. These are examples of how to say different times. It is 4:00. It is four o’clock. It is 3:02. It is three oh two. It is 8:30. It is eight thirty. It is 10:45. It is ten forty-five.

3 Instructions: Practice saying each time, then check
Instructions: Practice saying each time, then check. You can then listen. It is two o’clock. It is one thirty-five. It is seven oh nine. It is nine forty-five. It is twelve fifteen. It is three fifty.

4 Instructions: Practice listening for time
Instructions: Practice listening for time. Do listening activity Time-1 in the iBook.

5 Part 2: Time with Words half past = ____:30 Examples:
Instructions: Practice speaking! Say each time, then check. 6:30 = 8:30 = 10:30 = Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation (how to say a word). half past = ____:30 Examples: 2:30 = half past two 4:30 = half past four half past six half past eight half past ten Remember! We use past with half. We do not use after.

6 a quarter past = ____:15 a quarter after = ____:15
Instructions: Practice speaking! Say each time, then check. 7:15 = 9:15 = 11:15 = Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation. a quarter past = ____:15 a quarter after = ____:15 Examples: 3:15 = a quarter past three a quarter after three 5:15 = a quarter past five a quarter after five a quarter past seven Remember… quarter past and quarter after have the same meaning. a quarter after seven a quarter past nine a quarter after nine a quarter past eleven a quarter after eleven

7 Practice listening! 1) 3:15 3:30 2) 5:15 5:30 3) 7:15 7:30
1) 3:15 3: ) 5:15 5:30 3) 7:15 7:30 4) 9:15 9:30 5) 11: :30 Instructions: Listen to each sentence. Which time do you hear? Think about each answer, then check.

8 a quarter to = ____:45 Examples: 2:45 = a quarter to three 4:45 = a quarter to five 11:45 = a quarter to twelve Instructions: Practice speaking! Say each time, then check. 6:45 = 8:45 = 12:45 = Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation. a quarter to seven a quarter to nine a quarter to one

9 Practice listening! 1) 2:15 2:45 2) 3:15 3:45 3) 1:15 1:45
1) 2:15 2:45 2) 3:15 3:45 3) 1:15 1:45 4) 6:15 6:45 5) 10: :45 Instructions: Listen to each sentence. Which time do you hear? Think about each answer, then check.

10 Instructions: Match each picture of a clock with the sentence that tells the same time. Think about each answer, then check. 1. _f__ a. It is half past eight. 2. ____ b. It is a quarter past twelve. 3. c. It is a quarter to five. 4. d. It is a quarter to ten. 5. e. It is a quarter past five. 6. f. It is half past three. 7. g. It is a quarter to twelve. 8. h. It is a quarter past ten. e a d b g h c

11 Instructions: Practice listening for time
Instructions: Practice listening for time. Do listening activity Time-2 in the iBook.

12 Part 3: More Time with Words
Remember… past and after can have the same meaning. past = after Examples: 2:05 = five past two (5 past 2) 2:10 = ten after two (10 after 2) 2:20 = twenty past two (20 past 2) 2:25 = twenty-five past two (25 past 2)

13 Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation.
Instructions: Practice speaking! Say each time, then check. 4:10 = 6:20 = 9:25 = Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation. Instructions: Listen to each sentence. Which time do you hear? Think about each answer, then check. 1) 2:05 5:02 2) 5:07 7:05 3) 10:11 11:10 4) 1:10 10:01 ten past four twenty past six twenty-five past nine

14 to Examples: 2:55 = five to three (5 to 3)
2:50 = ten to three (10 to 3) 2:40 = twenty to three (20 to 3) 2:35 = twenty-five to three (25 to 3)

15 Instructions: Practice speaking! Say each time, then check.
4:50 = 6:40 = 9:35 = Listen to the audio for help with pronunciation. Instructions: Listen to each sentence. Which time do you hear? Think about each answer, then check. 1) 5:09 8:55 2) 6:50 7:10 3) 4:35 5:25 4) 1:52 8:02 ten to five twenty to seven twenty-five to ten

16 Instructions: Practice speaking
Instructions: Practice speaking! Try saying each time in TWO ways, then check. -It is two twenty. -It is twenty past two. 5. -It is three oh six. -It is six past three. 1. -It is six thirty. -It is half past six. -It is one ten. -It is ten past one. 2. 6. -It is five forty. -It is twenty to six. -It is twelve fifty-five. -It is five to one. 3. 7. -It is nine fifty. -It is ten to ten. 4. -It is ten thirty-five. -It is twenty-five to eleven. 8.

17 Do you understand? Instructions: Practice listening for time. Do listening activity Time-3 in the iBook.

18 Extra Information Look at the clock below for more information about telling time. You can also look at the clock video in the iBook on page __ for more information.

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