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Effective Communication & Delivering Bad News in HRM

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1 Effective Communication & Delivering Bad News in HRM
Helena Martins Polytechnic of Porto & University of Porto, Portugal

2 Axioms of Communication
(Watzlawick, Bavelas & Jackson, 1967) “one cannot not communicate” words used in communication draw their meaning from the context of the relationship between speaker and listener How you punctuate the communicational sequences defines the relationship communication is digital and analogical communication transactions are either "symmetrical" or "complementary," depending on the power balance between the parties

3 HRM, the relationship department
Contacting workers for good and bad news Giving and getting feedback Conflict management Negotiation (of terms, schedules, vacations…) Developing HR Creating trust in and within the Organization Etc!

4 What kind of bad news? Firing people Pay cuts
Individual or collective Pay cuts “You are not getting what you want/deserve” Work Accidents Worker / Family member injuries and death Costumer complaints Internal management of difficult communication Etc!

5 How do you do it? Nobody likes to be the bearer of bad news!
Remember it is about the people The people getting the news The people involved in the news The people giving the news

6 Preparing yourself first
You might be facing a difficult situation Your own reasons You are emotionally fragile, you identify with the situation or person… Difficult relationship with the other person Other people’s reasons People might face a form mourning process due to a loss of something or someone Emotional reactions can be unexpected/strong/hard to deal or manage Anger, sadness (e.g. crying), denial/disbelief

7 An example Scene from up in the air
“Sometimes they just need to vent”

8 Preparing yourself first
To be emotionally intelligent (Goleman, 1995) Self awareness Self management Social awareness Relationship management

9 Strategies for giving bad news
Remember: what you are saying and what is being heard might not be the same! Consider the relationship Give people time to assimilate the news Ask questions and let people ask you questions Don’t be in a hurry If information is complex, divide it in chunks “The doctor administers the truth, the patient decides the dosage”

10 Strategies for giving bad news
There is no magic trick or recipe Like everything in HRM the best practice is contextual, interpersonal, situation-specific Be true to yourself and respect yourself too LISTEN (actively listen) And look like you are listening 

11 SPIKES Setting up Perceptions Invitation to break news Knowledge
Emotions Strategy/Summary

12 See also

13 In the organizational context…
Efficiency = recovery/adaptive mourning and performance Not dropping out can also mean a stronger relationship in and with the workplace

14 Giving feedback Feedback is different from giving bad news
You are letting people know how their actions/attitudes/etc are perceived and their consequences “Communication is a two-way process that leads to appropriate action… in the context of developing competence, it is not an exaggeration to describe feedback as “the fuel that drives improved performance”.” (Parsloe, 1995)

15 So why is it so hard People avoid giving feedback even in the most mundane situations Positive feedback Negative feedback Only about 30% of feedback is integrated when people don’t feel confortable getting the information (Ochsner, 2010)

16 How? “Feedback is not the time for flipping out” (Daniel Goleman)
“Be tough, not mean” There is no magic bullet Development of communications skills takes time, commitment, practice, reflection But it is SO worthwhile!

17 Some tips Focus on improvement
Negative feedback is not about something good, no matter how positive your attitude, BUT don’t focus on assigning blame because no one can change the past Talk about the future, focus behaviours As much as possible make it right there and then But be careful with the context and other listeners

18 Some tips Your remarks should be specific, objective, focused on behaviours Avoid ambiguity and personal attacks Feedback vs Scolding “You should”, “You must” and “You need” don’t really tell why “You should talk slower” vs “When you talk fast I have a hard time understanding what you mean”

19 Some tips Sandwich it Do it personally Ask permission to give feedback
Use “I sentences” to communicate your feelings, and what you have personally seen, heard, need, or expect Ask permission to give feedback Make a pause and see how you are being understood or not Receiving feedback!!

20 Other ideas When you (behaviour), I (feeling)
DESC – Description, Expressing, Specifying, Conclusion

21 Final thoughts Communication vs information
Your doctor vs Doctor Google You can call them HR, but they are people Getting bad news is never good, but you don’t have to make it a worse experience than it is A significant amount of people remember getting a diagnostic as a more painful experience than the remainder of the treatment process! Focus on the relationship, it’s why we are all here for!

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