topics is Business Plan

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1 topics is Business Plan
Welcome To Our Presentation topics is Business Plan

2 Group Member: A.S.M. Jobayer ID : 08410022
Md. Raihan Shikdar ID : Rakib Mia ID : Ashraf Uddin ID : Sadia Afrin Tanni ID : Sanjida Afrin ID :

3 What is business plan A business plan is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals

4 SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project : Fast Forward palm plant.
Business Type Palm Oil manufacturing Co. Form of Business : Partnership Source of Finance : Individual Capital & Bank Loan Product/Service (We Sell) : Palm oil (We Buy) : Palm Plant, Fertilizer Brands : Oliva oil Main Customers : Middle class & lower class

5 What is Palm oil Mainly palm oil is the cooking oil. Palm oil is an oil which is extracted from the fruit of the palm tree. Pure palm oil is widely available in Africa and Southeast Asia.

6 Product Price Item Price(Tk) 1 kg 70 2kg 1,40 5kg 3,35 10kg 6,50

7 Corporate set up Director Share % Status A.S.M.Jobayer 40% Managing Director Raihan Shikder 35% Director Rakib Mia 25% Brand Ambassador

8 The important duties of the partners:
Justices & Faithfulness. Equality of losses. No private benefit. No secret profit . Unlimited liability.

9 Marketing analysis To set up a business Market views
To set up a business Market views Market description Market segmentation & targeting Market needs Market plan PEST analysis ( Political , Economical, Social, Technological)

10 SWOT analysis 1 . Strength: Strong Distribution channel 2 . Weakness:
Shortage enough experience Human resource are not enough skilled 3. Opportunity : Brand name which can easily create a strong position among the young generation mind. 4.Threats: Natural disaster.

11 Market demand Year Demand 2007 – – – – To increase a Market demand year to year. We can say that Our company to fulfill a market demand .

12 Market supply Year Supply 2007 – – – –

13 Who is the target customer of Palm oil ?
Rural people and Urban people Rural and urban area our main consumer will be the Middle & lower class people. In our research we found that the lower class people are very much crazy about our product . So it is our confidant that Middle & lower classes people take our product as there first preference.

14 Who are competitions for us?
There are 5 brands of palm oil in the local market namely Natural, Meizan, Pure, Family and Dada Super. Because of increasing demand, two more brands will appear in the market incoming months and hence there would be seven brands of palm oil at the end of year.

15 Technical aspects Land &Location
Types of expenses Taka Leasing 2,00,00,000 Land preparation cost 10,00,000 Palm plants import and plantation cost 16,00,000 Total 2,26,00,000

16 Expenses Types of expenses Taka Purchasing machines 3,00,00,000
Setting up machines ,00,000 Purchasing delivery vans ,00,000 Total ,20,00,000 The total imported duty is (3,20,00,000*9%) 28,80,000 Tk. The amount of IDCP is ,40,000 Tk. The total amount of Machinery & Equipment is 3,59,20,000

17 Fixed Cost of the Business
Item Local Cost Foreign Cost Total Land Building Imported Machinery --- 31,500,000 Imported Duty Installation Fee 500,000 IDCP Local Machinery 50000 Furniture Computer

18 Fixed Cost of the Business(Continue)
Office Equipment 20000 Safety Equipment 15000 Deposit to PDB 40000 Pre-operating Expense Consultancy Fee (1% of the Project Cost) --- 617600 Initial Investment of the Business:

19 Financial Plan for Business
Item Bank’s Investment Client’s Equity Total Amount % Land 2,26,00,000 100 Building 21,00,000 70 9,00,000 30 30,00,000 Imported Machinery 2,87,36,000 80 71,84,000 20 3,59,20,000 Local Machinery 25,000 50 50,000 Others 8,07,600 3,08,61,000 3,15,16,600 6,23,77,600

20 Financial Aspect Means of Finance:
Bank’s Investment ,08,61, (49.47%) Client’s Equity ,15,16, (50.53%) Total: ,23,77, (100%) Debt Equity Ratio: Debt-Equity Ratio = Bank’s Investment / Client’s Equity = 3,08,61,000 / 3,15,16,600 = 97.92%

21 Sales Estimate: Items Production Unit 75 1,08,00,000 Total Palm oil
1,44,000Kgs 75 1,08,00,000 Total

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