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Proposals and Considerations for EC Alignment and Optimization

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Presentation on theme: "Proposals and Considerations for EC Alignment and Optimization"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposals and Considerations for EC Alignment and Optimization
Proposal for Structure

2 October TC Meeting ACTION ITEM from October 8 Meeting Report
Develop proposals and considerations for Engineering Committee alignment and optimization (Assigned to Herb)

3 Background The Chair noted that it would be desirable for there to be a limited time for the subcommittee – that it is not envisioned to be an ongoing subcommittee. The Chair further commented that there should be some recognition and mechanism for Engineering Committees to grow, to maintain status quo, and to susnset.

4 Background Peter Nurse offered a consideration for a “maintenance standards” mechanism that would allow the documents from some less-active groups to be maintained without actively having to meet just for the sake of maintaining documents.

5 Background It was further discussed that some Engineering Committees, particularly some of the newer ones, have been difficult to populate and to identify volunteer leadership. The question was asked if there were some possible solution that the TC could consider.

6 Separation of Actions 1. Maintenance of Documents
2. Consolidating Engineering Committees

7 Maintenance of Documents
EM Clause The Formulating Group, or its parent consensus body if the former no longer exists, is responsible for the maintenance of TIA standards, specifications, and bulletins as well as American National Standards.

8 Maintenance of Documents
EM Clause 7.2 (TIA) - TSBs and TIA Standards can be reaffirmed or withdrawn at a committee meeting.

9 Maintenance of Documents
EM Clause (ANSI) - Reaffirmation requires a formal industry balloting process. The procedures for the development of a new ANS shall be followed. EM Clause (ANSI) - Withdrawal requires a formal industry balloting process. The procedures for the development of a new ANS shall be followed.

10 Maintenance of Documents
Engineering Manual (current revision) is a bit limiting. If a subcommittee sunsets, then the parent consensus body can take the actions. Proposal: Submit this issue to the Engineering Manual Committee for consideration in the next revision.

11 Consolidating Engineering Committees
New Engineering Committees TR-48: Vehicular Telematics TR-49: Healthcare TR-50: M2M Smart Device Communications TR-51: Smart Utility Networks

12 Consolidating Engineering Committees
Observations TR-48 and TR-49 and kind of “verticals” to M2M TR-49 Leadership engaged in M2M TR-48 Leadership is open

13 Consolidating Engineering Committees
Proposal Dissolve (or place in dormant status) TR-48 and TR-49 Request TR-50 to create two subcommittees TR-50.1: Vehicular Telematics TR-50.2: Healthcare

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